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Creating and Approving an Invoice

Enter invoices on behalf of your company's work, or on behalf of an off-system vendor

Allegis Sant avatar
Written by Allegis Sant
Updated over a week ago


Use INGENIOUS to create your company's invoice or to enter an invoice received by a vendor outside of the INGENIOUS platform. A created invoice can also be added to a pay application package, if applicable.

For more information on processing invoices received on-system, click here.


  1. A contract or change order must be marked as executed before it can be billed against.

  2. To approve an invoice, a funding source must be entered.

  3. If there is a chain of approval this invoice should go through, set this up first in Financial Approval Workflows.

  4. The Budget does NOT have to be marked as approved to start entering invoices.


Navigate to the Invoicing & Pay Applications from the project navigation menu.

Create the Invoice

Click +Create, and a slideout will appear.

To enter an invoice against a contract, choose Contracted Invoice.

Select the contract this invoice is for and click Next Step. If you are creating an invoice for your company, choose your contract.

Details Tab

Fill out the information on the Details tab.

Use Unique ID to enter the invoice number provided by the vendor.

Confirm the Invoice date and the period the invoice covers.

SoV/WBS (Invoice Line Items)

On the second tab, enter the line items being billed against using the SoV. The SoV/WBS will populate from the SoV/WBS established on the contract.

Enter in percent of work complete or the dollar amount that will be invoiced using the % of Completed Work or Current Application columns:

Note you can click on the SOV line items to the left to jump to an item!

Using the filters, you can view a Basic Column View for a more condensed view of the invoice, or switch to All Column View.

Choose how you want to see the Change Orders against the Contract reflected on this invoice, either in a separate category at the bottom of the invoice or nested within the applicable SoV item.

Supporting Documents (optional)

You can upload any supporting PDF documents within the next tab. If you received an invoice PDF from a vendor via email, we recommend uploading that PDF here. Drag and drop or upload the file.

Note: Save as Draft at any point to save your work and return to this invoice later!

Applying Funding (Owner and Owner's Rep workspaces only)

On the next tab, specify which of your funding sources will ultimately be funding this invoice. This is required before marking this invoice as Approved. If you have not configured your funding sources, add them by using the Project Navigation Menu to open Funding.

Click +Add Funding Source and select the applicable source from the dropdown.

If applicable, you can split the funding between multiple sources. Click +Add Funding Source again, choose the additional sources, and specify the amount that should be allocated to each funding source.


Once all invoice details have been entered, internally approve this invoice.

If you have configured a Financial Approval Workflow for invoices, click Submit for Internal Approval to put the invoice into the workflow.

If you have not configured a Financial Approval Workflow, click Approve to approve the invoice.

Type YES to confirm and approve.

Invoice Timeline

This tab will show the timeline of the invoice and who took action on it, including when it was edited and approved.

Marking as Paid

You can now mark the invoice as Paid, or, if applicable, package it into an Application Package for submission to your client or funding source. Once the invoice is marked as paid, it will be uneditable, but can be reverted to Draft by a workspace Administrator.

TIP: As invoices are entered, they will populate to the Master Project Budget / ACR, which will automatically track your Gross Work Complete, Net Work Complete, and Paid Amounts.

Next Steps

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