The interview kit and scorecard can be accessed directly through the talent's card in InHire or via the link that will be in the interview scheduling email.
Important: Before starting the following steps, it is necessary that the integration with Google Calendar or Outlook has been previously carried out.
To perform the integration, access the articles below:
How to set up integration with Google Calendar?
How to set up integration with Outlook Calendar?
01) Select the talent in the job opening and click on the Interviews tab on the right side of the card.
02) Click on "New Interview"
03) In the pop-up, enter the Subject of the appointment/invite.
04) Select the date and time of the meeting.
05) Enable the automatic link generation for the meeting.
06) In the Interview Kit field, select the kit that will be used in the meeting.
07) Enable the inclusion of the kit link in the appointment description.
08) Add the email addresses of the meeting participants.
09) After writing the event description text, click Send Invite.
10) The link to the interview kit will be available for access in the appointment description.
Important: The interview kit and scorecard link can only be accessed by InHire users. Talents will not be able to access it.
Related article:
How to schedule an interview with a talent?
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through the InHire Chat, located in the lower right corner of the screen.
A smile from ear to ear :)
Camila Felix, from InHire Team.