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How to award and approve a badge
How to award and approve a badge

Facilitators can award a badge even if learners haven’t achieved 100%. Also some badges may require approval before they are issued.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 3 months ago

Badges are automatically awarded when the learner meets the badge criteria.  

However it is also possible to create a badge to be “ready to award” when the learner meets that badge criteria so that a facilitator must manually approve the badge before it is issued. This can be useful where learning takes place outside of iQualify (for example a workshop), or where a facilitator’s judgement is required (for example completion of a case study assessment).

Approving a badge when a learner has met the badge criteria

When a learner has met the badge criteria you will receive an in-app notification and an email that there is a badge awaiting approval to be issued.

Follow the notification or email link, or you can navigate directly to the Class Console area from your side navigation. Next to the learner's name you'll see any badges ready to be awarded.

Image showing learner tab in class console with badge ready to be awarded

Select the badge button and choose Publish badge. Your learner will be notified that their badge has been awarded.

Awarding a badge before a learner has met the preset badge criteria

Facilitators can use their discretion to award a badge even if a learner hasn’t achieved 100% course progress, or in the case of some courses passed the competency quiz. This is useful if your course requires different badge criteria to the preset criteria (for example 60% completion plus attendance at a workshop).

Image showing learners tab in class console with 2 learners, both has badge Award Anyways enabled

Select Award Anyway below the badge icon for the learner you want to award the badge to. Then select Publish badge. Your learner will be notified that their badge has been awarded.

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