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iQualify templates

Authors can use one of our templates to start creating a new course.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 8 months ago

Sometimes it's knowing where to start that's the hardest. It can be so much easier to edit something than start from scratch. With that in mind, we've created some templates that you can use as a starting point to build your own courses. All authors have access to these courses under Templates.

Current iQualify templates

Week-by-week template

Resources, tasks and semi-structured online group discussions. Great if you have some existing resources and just want to build-as-you-go.

Announcements and submissions template

Announcements, video conferences, and a space to submit work for feedback. Great if your course is more process/project-based, rather than centred around covering content.

The individual pages template

This course is full of individual page templates, rather than being a template for a whole course. We created it in the hope that it will be useful for you to browse through when you’re looking for ideas. Each page includes some author instructions with a description of the page and tips and ideas.

See more detail on the Individual pages template.

Flipped learning template

The Flipped learning template is designed for courses where learners will do some pre-reading/watching before class, and focus class time on practice, feedback and discussion. In this template we've got subsections for things you want your learners to do at home, before class (pre-reading/watching, practice tasks etc.), and things you’ll do in class (offline tasks, discussions etc.).

See more detail on the Flipped learning template.

Playlists template

The Playlists template is designed for courses where learners work through a series of individual activities to achieve a learning outcome. The activities will of course be unique, but we have created common “categories” of playlist items in the Appendix with example pages for each of these categories: things to read/watch, active reading/watching, checklists for offline tasks, embedded items, tasks to support recall and understanding, and check-in points.

See more detail on the Playlists template.

Hyflex template

The Hyflex template is based on needing to offer the same learning in three different modes/times: live and in class, live and online (online, synchronous), and later and online (online, asynchronous). We have included template pages and links to ideas and examples for a range of typical learning activities: readings and resources, tasks and feedback, discussions and group work.

See more detail on the Hyflex template.

Station rotation template

The Station rotation template is designed for courses where groups of learners will move through a series of stations. We have template pages for the sorts of things learners will be doing at these key station “types”: an online learning station for independent learning or practice, a teacher-led station where the teacher meets with a small group of learners, a no tech station for offline tasks, and a collaboration station where learners work together.

See more detail on the Station rotation template.

Fully online template

The Fully online learning course is based on a course where learners are learning at a distance, but possibly still going through the course at the same(ish) time in "cohorts". This course includes social elements for learners to discuss things online, but it could easily be altered to suit a course where learners work through content on their own, and in their own timeframes.

See more detail on the Fully online course template.

Theory and reflective practice template

The most structured of our templates, the Theory and reflective practice template, focuses on introducing a theory, and helping learners see where it occurs in practice. Learners will also reflect on their own practice. Great for professional development and/or if learners work in a similar area/practice.

Portfolio/learning journal template

A course structure that helps learners to record evidence and generate artefacts to put into a My portfolio section of a course. Great if you want learners to have a little more say in what counts as evidence of outcomes, but you don't want them to spend most of that time learning a new bit of software, or making an easy-on-the-eye blog or website.

See more detail on the Portfolio/learning journal template.

Vocational portfolio/learning journal template

In the vocational portfolio template we've included tasks to support learners to think about what different things might "count" as evidence of skills or having met learning outcomes. Learners then plan how they will generate or gather this evidence.

See more detail on the Portfolio/learning journal template.

Employee induction template

Welcome employees and explain the key things they need to know with a few ideas for tasks. Great if you want to induct people into an organisation or talk them through organisational change.

See more detail on the Employee induction template.

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