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Flipped learning course template

A course template for authors that uses flipped learning.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 9 months ago

What is flipped learning?

Flipped learning course is where learners do some pre-reading/watching before class, allowing class time to be focused on practice, feedback and discussion. To find out more about flipped learning check out our blog post on the Flipped learning model.

What's in the flipped learning course template?

We've structured the template to have a few welcome pages and then a separate section for each week (this could easily be based on "topics" if your course isn't structured by week).

Structure shows this hierarchy: 1 Welcome and orientation, 1.1 Welcome, 1.2 What and how you'll learn, 1.2.1 The big picture, 1.2.2 Structure, 1.2.3 In-app support, 1.2.4 Get started! 2 Week 1: Title 2.1 Overview of week 1, 2.2 At home: Read, watch and reflect, 2.2.1 Content to read/watch/interact with before class, 2.3 In class: Practice and discuss, 2.3.1 Storing and recording in class learning, 2.4 Bringing it all together, 2.4.1 Summarise and segue to the next week, 3 Week 2: Title, 4 Week 3: Title, 5 Appendix

In the Flipped learning template, we've got subsections for things you want learners to do at home, before class, and things you’ll do in class.

At home

Before class learners might be reading, watching videos, or going through a presentation, so we’ve got template pages for each of these content types.

Below is an example of a presentation page with a task below the presentation for notes, and an in page discussion to support social learning.

Essay task below presentation asks learners to make notes focusing specifically on defining [concept] in their own words and understanding how [concept] relates to [occurence].]]]

We also suggest keeping learners actively engaged by including a few tasks with their pre-reading/watching. Again, we have a range of example tasks.

Tasks to support recall:

Task has a question prompt for learners to match terms and definitions and has Terms 1-4 listed in boxes on the left. Below this list are options for learners to drag and drop (into matching boxes on the right).
Cloze text for learners to complete reads: "[Term 1] is... whereas [Term 2] seeks to [Term 3]." Learners are able to choose the correct term from a dropdown menu.

To help understanding:

Example task where learners are asked to highlight the mistakes in a definition of a term.

Or to compare and contrast:

Example checklist task showing a Lesson checklist with 3 items, none of which are selected.

If you’d like, you can even include checklists for offline activities you’d like them to do before class.

Example checklist task for Lesson 1 - Task 1, showing a workbook page task, and three activities, which haven't been completed.

In class

In flipped learning, in class activities might be entirely offline, but having tasks and spaces for reflection/notes/evidence within the online course also means everything is in the one place and can serve as a sort of online portfolio of their learning for this course.

To that end, we have a range of pages within the Appendix of this template that you could use to record in class learning.

For example, recording discussions/group work:

Example highlight task with activities learners might do before and during class to support their learning. Tasks are separated into two columns: "Cognitively passive" and "Cognitively active". Learners can then select to highlight the things they've done for this lesson. In this image, the following examples are highlighted under "Cognitively passive": I took a look at the material for today's lesson so I knew what would be covered. I wrote down what was on the board and any extras from the facilitator or other learners.

Further practice tasks that provide opportunities for personalised feedback:

Example essay task where learners are asked to capture the gist of a concept/topic in a few sentences (for a real challenge, in 20 words or less).

Recording evidence of completed class activities:

Example file upload task where learners upload a quick snap of the notes/work they've done in an offline task e.g. working in a text/workbook.

Reflecting on which learning strategies are/aren't working for them:

Example highlight task where learners select the different activities they did before or during class to support their learning. Activities are divided into two columns: "Cognitvely passive" (example: "I took a look at the material for today's lesson so I knew what would be covered.) and "Cognitively active" (example: I asked myself: How does the material for today relate to what I already know?")

Filling in the rest of the weeks

This general structure or approach you’ve used in Week 1 can then be repeated for each subsequent week. You can even use starred pages to add in a copy of the relevant pages to save you time.


As with all our templates, this template is entirely customisable. You can change all the text, tasks and images to suit your particular context.

For instructions on where to find these templates, check out How to use a template.

If this particular template isn't quite right for you, why not check out our full list of iQualify templates, or, create your own!

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