As someone with reviewer, author or manage permissions you can see different things on course cards. Let's take a look at a course card at a glance.
Manage permissions only
With manage permissions, you can see cards for all published courses in your organisation and you can activate classes from these published courses, but not view the course content.
Author or reviewer permissions only
With author or reviewer permissions, you only see the courses you're an author or reviewer on and you can edit, view, duplicate or archive.
If you're only an author or reviewer, you won't be able to activate. But, you can see that activations exist, that way you'll know if any edits you're making would affect a live class activation.
Both manage and author permissions
If you have manage permissions, and you're an author/reviewer on a course, you'll see all the options - edit, view, activate, duplicate and archive.
A few examples...
Below we've got a few examples to show how we can use the course cards to figure out what access or permissions we have.
Manager only, one published version
Author only, course has never been published
Author only, published once not edited since
Reviewer only
Hopefully this has given a good idea of the different things you might see on a course card and how you can use that information. If you'd like to understand a bit more about IDs and how they change, see Understanding contentIds.