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Quiz settings

Authors can configure quiz settings for courses.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated this week

For each quiz you’ll need to decide:

Quiz type - assessed or non-assessed (a practice quiz)

Decide if the quiz is assessed or non-assessed. If assessed, you’ll need to choose how many attempts the learner can have. If non-assessed, the learner can reset and reattempt the quiz as many times as they like.

Time limit

Decide if the quiz has a time limit. If you leave this field as blank the learner will be able to take as long as they like to submit the quiz

When you set a time limit for a quiz the default behaviour is that if the learner leaves the page, the quiz timer will automatically be paused and start up again when they reload the page. This is very good for non-assessed quizzes because it lets the learner practice completing the quiz within the timeframe.

Pass percentage

Decide if you'd like the quiz (applicable for both assessed and non-assessed) to have a pass percentage (set at quiz level not per task).

If you choose to have a pass percentage learners and facilitators will be able to see if the learner met the pass threshold. They will see a tick if the threshold was met or exceed and a cross if this was not met.

Image shows the quiz settings with a pass percentage set.

Additional settings

In addition there are a number of other settings you can turn on for each quiz. Each of these will be explained in more detail below:

Screenshot showing all the Quiz setting available for author to assign in this quiz.

Enforce strict time limit

If you want the time limit to be absolute, select Enforce strict time limit for quiz. This will change the timer behaviour so that if the learner leaves the page and comes back, the timer will continue counting down in their absence. If there is still time left the learner can continue to complete the quiz. If there is no time left the learner will be able to submit their completed work but will not be able to answer any more questions.

Warn on 60 seconds remaining

If you’ve given your quiz a time limit it can sometimes be helpful to display a one minute warning before the quiz time is up. You know your learners and if this would benefit them, so we’ve left it as an optional setting for you to configure. If this is enabled, the countdown timer changes to a red background when one minute remains.

Shuffle items

You can choose whether the questions should always be presented in the same order or if you’d like them shuffled. This can be helpful if you don’t want learners to discuss the answers to ‘Question 5’ for example.

Allow learners to pause a quiz

You can let learners pause the quiz. This can be helpful if you want to set an expectation of how long a quiz should take (say an hour) but also want to give learners time to go and research the answer or complete a task away from their device. This option is disabled if you have chosen to enforce the quiz time limit.

Show correct and incorrect responses after each attempt

You can only choose to show learners the correct answers to the questions they got right after each attempt. Questions that they got wrong will have the answers hidden so they can use future attempts (if available) to get these questions correct. Feedback attached to each question will also show if this setting is selected.

​Show correct answers for all questions once all attempts completed

Selecting this option will show learners the correct answers for all questions in the quiz once they've used all their attempts.

This setting is only available for assessed quizzes with a set number of attempts. It is not available for:

  • Non-assessed quizzes as the focus here is on learners so they can instantly see what they got right and wrong.

  • Assessed quizzes with unlimited attempts, as with unlimited attempts a learner will never have used up all their quiz attempts.

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