Authors can add terms to the course Glossary to give definitions of words that may not be familiar to learners. The glossary is especially helpful if your course has a lot of industry specific words and terms.
Glossary terms referenced throughout the course are automatically underlined. Hovering over the word shows the definition.
How to add terms to your glossary
To add a glossary term:
When on the main course editing page, head to Glossary on the left hand menu.
Use Add new term to create a new term definition.
Add the Term and Description and use the green check mark to save.
Use the pencil to edit terms and/or descriptions and the bin to delete them.
How to include multiple terms with the same description
Tip: You can have multiple terms for the same description. Separate each term with a comma and a space e.g. AC, Alternating Current.
How to exclude terms
You can exclude terms from your glossary with an exclamation mark '!' in front of the term. e.g. AC, !AC/DC
This means if AC/DC appears in the content, it won't show the description for AC.