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How to manage learner permissions

Account owners can manage profile settings and sharing progress feature availability for their learners

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 10 months ago

Within the iQualify settings area of iQualify you can set permissions for what your learners can edit in their profiles and if they can share their progress with others. If you have access to the iQualify settings for your organisation you can access this by clicking on your profile picture.

How to:

Your iQualify settings can be accessed by clicking on your avatar (profile icon) in the top right corner of iQualify.

Account details page showing the drop down menu beneath the avatar with iQualify settings underlined.

Select Feature Settings.

And then select Learner Permission

Image showing the Learner Permission menu under Feature setting in iQualify Settings

Learner profiles

Under their profile learners can set up and manage their:

  • Avatar picture

  • Display name

  • Password

  • Contact details

  • Notification preferences

  • Profile bio

Image showing the permissions available to tun on/off for learners, 1. Profile Page, 2. Display Name, 3. Sharing the bio, 4. Sharing the progress

This allows them to personalise how they appear to other learners and their facilitators and to choose how to be notified, for example when their posts are responded to or their assessments have been marked.ย 

Share my progress

Share my progress allows learners to share their progress with others. Learners can add the email address of anyone who they wish to share their course progress with triggering in a link being sent providing the person with temporary access to a summary of their progress. ย 

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