Follow this step-by-step guide to add a new user in the platform:
Navigate to SETUP and click on "Users".
Click on "Invite new user".
Populate the users' contact information.
Assign the user a role. There are three access levels to choose from:
Admin: grants the user full access to the platform, and can invite new users and sign off or lock data submissions.
The Account Owner has the same level of access as an Admin, but they can also disable Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). Please contact the KEY ESG team if you would like to update the Account Owner for your organisation.
Team member: can access all data, but cannot invite new users or sign off data.
Data gatherer: can access only the data collection metrics and sites assigned to them by the admin. When assigning a Data gatherer role, select "Data collection access" to assign specific data points and sites to the chosen user.
If you experience any issues inviting new users or assigning roles, reach out to our team using the chat function within the app.