Where Can I Find the Customer Account Feature?
You can locate the Customer Account ("Accounts") overview in the sidebar on the left, directly under "Meetings."
Note: This feature is only available to users with the "Admin" role.
Customer Account Overview
On the Customer Account Overview page, you will find a list of all customers with whom you have recorded a meeting using Kickscale.
Features of the Overview Page:
Customer List: Displays all customers and their corresponding meeting history.
Filter Options: Use the filters above the table to narrow down the list by specific criteria, such as date or account status.
Customer Account Detail View
When you select a customer from the overview, you’ll be taken to the Customer Account Detail View. This page contains two main sections, along with a Customer Account Chat at the bottom of the page.
Customer Account Chat
Located at the bottom of the page, the chat allows you to ask questions or leave notes related to the customer account. It works similarly to the chat on the Meeting Detail page.
Customer Account Detail View Sections
1. Meetings
This section provides a detailed timeline of all meetings associated with the selected customer.
Timeline View: A chronological sequence of all meetings for a clear overview.
Meeting List: Below the timeline, you’ll see a detailed list of meetings with this customer.
Clicking on a meeting displays a list of all meeting insights on the right-hand side.
Contacts Associated with the Customer: Above the meeting timeline, you’ll find all customer contacts.
Selecting a contact will gray out meetings that do not involve this contact.
2. Aggregated Question Tracker
The Aggregated Question Tracker consolidates all questions asked during meetings with the customer.
Highlighting Answered Questions: Questions answered by the customer are highlighted in green, and their responses are displayed below the question.
Tracking Unanswered Questions: Unanswered questions remain visible, helping you track follow-ups.
Tips and Best Practices
Engage Through Chat: Use the chat feature to communicate with team members or leave notes for future reference.
Follow Up on Open Questions: Regularly review the Aggregated Question Tracker to address unanswered queries.
I Can’t See the Customer Account Feature: Ensure you have the "Admin" role. Contact your system administrator if needed.
Issues with the Question Tracker: Check if the meeting insights were properly recorded. If not, ensure the meeting data is correctly synced.
For further assistance, feel free to contact our support team at support@kickscale.com.