Work Requests are a way for your clients to contact you directly through your Client Portal and request quotes or jobs they require. Once you receive this request, you can raise a quote for the works or create and schedule a job for the request.
Setting up your Client Portal
The Client Portal offers your clients the ability to view, depending on permission settings, their Jobs, Quotes, Assets, Documents and Invoices that you create for them on Klipboard. In addition, they can create new Work Requests, therefore notifying you of any quotes or jobs required. To learn more click here.
Action Your Work Requests
When a Work Request has been created by your client, you can view it by navigating to Work Requests on your Klipboard web dashboard.
You can action work requests by clicking "Actions" and choosing the following action:
Create Quote - if you create a quote for the work request the status will be updated to "Quoted" and the new quote will be available to the Portal Member on the client portal. If you have Quote email notifications activated for that Portal Member they will also receive these.
βCreate Job - if you create a job for the work request the status will be updated to "Scheduled" and the Portal Member on the client portal will have visibility of this status update. If you have Scheduled job email or SMS notifications activated for that client they will also receive these.
You can then view a list of all Work Requests created by your clients that have client portal access. A range of filters is provided including "Filter by a client" along with the ability to search by Work Order number or Name.
The following information for Work Request is displayed:
Number - The Work Request number associated with the request.
Subject - The Subject as entered by your Client upon creating the request.
Location - The location (site) the work request is required for.
Created date - The date the request was created.
Created By - The Portal Member who created the request on behalf of your client.
Requested Date & Time - The requested date and time that the work request has been requested for by your client.
Work Request Statuses
New - When a client sends a Work Request it will show as "New" in the status column. By clicking on the actions button beside the request, you will be able to view the request details, create a quote for the request raised or create a job for the request.
Quoted - When a request has a quote created against it the status of this Work request will change to "Quoted". By clicking on the actions button beside the request, you will be able to view the quote and convert it to a job when accepted.
Scheduled - When a request has a job created against it the status of this Work request will change to "Scheduled". By clicking on the actions button beside the request, you will be able to view the Job associated with the Work request.