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How Your Client Views Jobs In The Client Portal

See How Your Client Can View Completed Jobs, Access Job Forms & Export Job Data on The Client Portal

Updated over a week ago

Depending on the permissions granted, your client may have the option to view the Jobs you have completed for them by viewing them through your Client Portal.

For more information on setting up your Client Portal Permissions click Here

Completed Jobs Client Portal Dashboard

On the Jobs page your client:

  • Will only be able to view jobs that are in Completed status, no other job statuses are viewable on the Client Portal.

  • Can search through their Completed Jobs using the search bar provided.

  • Can filter and amend a restricted amount of columns by clicking on the icon (3 horizontal bars) beside the column name.

  • Can export the current view as a job report by clicking on the Export Job Report button.

  • Can View, download and email job details by navigating to the job in question and pressing the View button. This will take your client through to the Completed Job Details Overview

Completed Job Details Overview

When your client clicks on the View button beside their job they will be presented with the following information:

Job Details

The job details section contains the Job number, the Client and Address information, as well as the date / time the job was completed.


If there is a Quote associated with the job then your client can view the value, status, Quote number and the quoted / accepted dates of the quote.

They will also be able to download the quote by pressing the view button beside the quote status.


If there is an Invoice associated with the job then your client can view the value, status, Invoice number and the Invoice and Due dates of the Invoice.

Job Forms

Within the Job Forms section, your client can view or download all or selected Workflow Forms completed for the job. By clicking on the Actions button they can also:

  • View a PDF of the Workflow Form.

  • Download a PDF of the Workflow Form.

  • Download a CSV of all of the information captured from the Workflow Form.

  • Download the photos that were captured on the Workflow Form separate from the form.

Service Records

If you have serviced any assets on this job, your client will be able to view them here. By clicking on the Actions button they can also:

  • View a PDF of the Service Record.

  • Download a pdf of the Service Record.

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