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Settings, Payment & Taxes

Setup payment days, tax rates and account codes

Updated over a week ago

You can set up payment and tax templates for use when creating quotes and invoices delivered through Klipboard.

To edit or delete existing template values, select the edit or delete options. To add a new option, select add new template and type in your chosen values.

You can also update the Default Invoice Net and Default Tax values by selecting the drop down option which will give you the choice to select an existing value you have set.

Once you have made your updates, select save.

Payments & Taxes if Connected to Xero

If you have connected your Klipboard account to Xero, it will sync any payment and taxes setup in Xero across to your Klipboard account and will show accordingly in this area.

It will also setup another section on Klipboard within this area called "Account Codes". This will show all your Account Codes that are setup on Xero and therefore will allow you to choose an account code for line items when creating and Invoice or Quote on Klipboard.

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