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Coronavirus - when your nanny can and can't work

For Families > Nanny Service > Advice on coronavirus

Updated over 2 years ago

This help centre article has been written for the Koru Kids nanny service

*Last updated - 12th April 2022*

This article covers:

✅ When nannies can continue to go to work

❓ Common questions like pay and shielding if vulnerable

✳️ Working safely in the home

While you’re no longer legally required to self-isolate if you have COVID-19, you should try to stay at home and away from others to avoid passing on the virus.

Nannies can continue to work if...

  • Your child has been sent home due to staff shortages.

  • Someone else in the family’s household is self-isolating.

  • Someone else in the nanny’s household is self-isolating.

  • Anyone in the family’s household thinks they’ve been in contact with someone with symptoms or who has tested positive.

  • The nanny thinks they’ve been in contact with someone with symptoms or who has tested positive.

  • The nanny or family has tested positive for coronavirus.

Common Questions:

What if the nanny is ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’?

If nannies are ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’, they are advised to follow the same guidance as everyone else. However, as someone who is at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill if they were to catch COVID-19, they should think particularly carefully about precautions they could take, which are detailed in the guidance for the clinically extremely vulnerable.

Does the nanny get paid if they can’t go to work?

If someone in your family has symptoms, then they or your family do not need to self-isolate.

If you do not wish to have your nanny work with your family right now, we recommend continuing to pay your nanny for their contracted hours. Your nanny can simply log these hours as normal and, once you have approved them, we can ensure your nanny is paid during this time.

If you're unable to pay your nanny their full contracted hours, you would still need to pay them the 'minimum hours' in their contract.

If your nanny is self-isolating, but they have no symptoms, then your nanny is no longer eligible for Statutory Sick Pay.

If your nanny is not eligible, you may agree to continue paying for their usual working hours, although you are not obliged to. We strongly recommend you and your nanny discuss this as early as possible.

If your nanny is unable to work with your family because they are feeling ill, they should report this sick leave as normal. Our payroll team will then assess whether they are eligible for Statutory Sick Pay during this time.

If your nanny should come to work but decides not to, they need to take this as unpaid leave.

✳️ Working safely in the home:

  • Regularly wash hands for at least 20 seconds, especially on arrival.

  • Regularly clean touched objects and surfaces, for example door handles, kitchen items and toys. Use normal household cleaning products.

  • Keep internal doors open where possible to minimise contact with surfaces and handles.

  • Maintain good ventilation, for example keep windows and doors open, or be outside where possible.

  • It is optional to wear a face covering while working as a nanny, but is it not required by law. The other measures mentioned above are the best ways to manage risk, and you should not rely upon wearing a face covering only.

For full advice on Coronavirus, click on the links below:

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