Utilizing tasks and staying up to date on your daily to-dos within btPRO will keep you on top of and engaged with your leads. Here are the steps for reviewing and completing your assigned tasks.
Once created and scheduled, your assigned tasks will be accessible in a few different areas within btPRO:
Tool Bar at the top of all pages within btPRO
btPRO Dashboard
Lead Profile
btPRO Mobile App
Tasks are available in multiple areas, so you can easily access and complete them.
Tool Bar
No matter what page you're on in btPRO, the Tool Bar will always be accessible at the top of the page.
To access tasks from the Tool Bar:
Log in to btPRO.
Click on the checkmark icon.
See a list of all assigned tasks that are past due, due today, due tomorrow, and in the future.
From here, click on a lead's name to review the related task, notes, and past activity.
If you've completed the task, click the checkbox to mark it as completed/done.
If you've not yet completed the task and want to save it for later, click the grey 'Snooze' button. This will postpone the due date to the following business day.
btPRO Dashboard
You also have access to your assigned tasks within your Dashboard.
To access and manage your tasks from the Dashboard:
Log in to btPRO.
On the Dashboard, click 'Tasks'.
Depending on the tasks you wish to review, click on 'All Tasks', 'Past Due', 'Due Today', or 'Upcoming'.
Click on the details to view more.
As you work your tasks, you can:
Mark them Done:
Individually by clicking on the checkbox next to the due date or by clicking on 'Done'.
In bulk by using the 'Mass Done' option.
Snooze them:
Individually by clicking on the 'Snooze' button next to the task.
In bulk by using the 'Mass Snooze' option.
Delete them:
Individually by clicking on the 'X' next to the task.
In bulk by using the 'Mass Delete' option.
Lead Profiles
Tasks are also accessible in the related leads profile.
To access a task from a lead profile:
Log in to btPRO.
Click on 'Smart CRM'.
Search for the desired lead.
Open the lead profile.
Click on 'Tasks'.
Review all related tasks, including upcoming, due today, past due, all open, and completed.
As you work your task from the lead profile, you can:
Mark it Done by clicking on the 'Done' option.
Snooze it by clicking the 'Snooze' option.
Edit it by clicking on the pencil icon.
You can also add a new task here by clicking on the 'Add Task' option.
btPRO Mobile App
Finally, you can access and complete tasks through the mobile app, making it easy to manage your 'to dos' when you're not at your desk.
NOTE: You can only view and complete a task from the mobile app. If you need to edit a task, you must login to the desktop version of btPRO.
To review and complete tasks within the mobile app:
Open the mobile app.
Click on 'Tasks' at the bottom right of the screen.
From here, review your list of upcoming tasks and mark them complete as you work them.
You will be able to mark tasks completed directly from the lead record as well by simply navigating to the 'Tasks' section.
To mark a task complete from here, simply tap the white check box to the right.
If you have any questions or need assistance completing tasks, please reach out to PRO Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing prosupport@insiderealestate.com!
(Keywords: task reminder, task)