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How do I update my email address, mobile number or both?
How do I update my email address, mobile number or both?

It's always easier in the app, let's get you the help you need.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

We get it, it's really not that hard to lose a mobile number or forget your password to an email address. Also, sometimes you just want a change!

We've made it easier than ever to update your mobile number or email address directly through the Laybuy app. You'll just need to navigate to the Settings tab and within My Details you'll find the option to edit both options. Just follow the prompts on the screen, which usually requires additional verification when changing these details as they're sensitive, and you'll have these updated in no time.

If you are having difficulties updating any of these details, send the team a message and we'll be right on it.

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