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Your career plan in Learned

In this article, we will show you how to view your current role and how to view the skill gap with your desired future role.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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Insight into my current role

Within Learned we want to give you the best possible insight into what is expected of you in both your current role and any desired future role. We also want to give you easy insight into which skills you score well and where you can develop yourself further. To view your current role including the skills and competencies that are linked to your role, click on your home page in Learned directly to your current role.

You will be directed to your Career page in Learned. From this page you can view your role description.

In the role description, you can see the tasks and responsibilities associated with your role and the skills & competences linked to your role, including the expected level which is shown by the blue line under the skills.

On your Career page you will see all the skills required in your current role, the expected level for those skills and any evaluations you have received on those skills. The skills linked to your role are taken from the skill set created by the Admins of your organisation. They linked the appropriate skills at a certain level to your role profile. In addition, when the Learning module is on, you will also see the learning activities linked to your current role profile.

In the spider diagram you can see how you are performing compared to the expected level. You can also see how your colleague and/or coach thinks you are performing on the skills linked to your role. If you don't yet score on the expected level on a skill this is a perfect opportunity to develop yourself further. You could even create a personal learning goal for this.

Besides being able to see your skills in a spider diagram, including your (received) evaluations, you can also see all skills listed below each other if you scroll down on your Career page. Here you can see your expected skill level using the blue line below the skills.

You can also click on a skill and then hover over the different skill levels. When hovering over the different skill levels, you see different behavior examples per level. If you received feedback on your skills, you will also see those here. Note: the pop-up with your evaluations can only be accessed by you.

Select your own role

When enabled by Admin, you also have the option to select your own role. This allows you to select the right role with skills you want to have a conversation about.

Want to know how to get started planning your own development conversations? Read the following article: Creating, preparing and having a development conversation as an employee

Find your desired future role

In addition to allowing you to develop within your current role, we also let you look ahead at what kind of role you might want to fulfill in the future and what skills are required for that. You are able to set up your career plan within the Career module. Your current role is shown at the top. Using the dropdown, you can add an ambition as you wish by browsing through the Role library.

In the Role library, you will find all available roles within your organisation. You can click on each role, view the tasks and responsibilities and consider whether this is a role you might want to work towards and select as your ambition role.

For both your current role and your ambition, a graph is shown showing your skill gaps for that role. The skill gap in this case means the difference between the expected skill level and your actual skill level based on both your personal evaluation of those skills and the reviews you have received from your colleagues, external parties or your coaches. This gives you good insights into where you can still grow to eventually make the step to your ambition role. In addition, you can also see the progress of the linked Learning activities in your ambition role. This means that you could make a head start by completing the Learning activities linked to your ambition role in preparation for your step towards this ambition.

The result of this career plan is that you have concrete insight into which internal roles there are and in which specific skills you need to develop further to prepare yourself for your next step. Note: both your current role and your saved ambitions are transparent for your coaches. So make use of this functionality to include your ambitions in the periodic conversations between you and your coach!

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