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Completing and analysing a development conversation
Completing and analysing a development conversation

In this article we show how you can close a conversation round as an Admin and analyse the results.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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When creating a conversation round, you set certain deadlines. In other words, after a while it is intended that everyone has finished the conversation round, that the conversations have been held and that you can analyse the results. In this article, we'll give you more information about the different options you have for completing a conversation round and seeing the results.

Closing the conversation round

When you want to complete and close the conversation round, open the conversation round as Admin via Development - Conversations - Conversation cycle.

Open the conversation round and press 'Options' at the top right. Here you see 2 slider buttons. With the top slider button, you turn off the option for 'peer selection'. This means that the review is still active, but that it is no longer possible for employees to request feedback. With the bottom slider button, you can close the entire conversation round. This means that pending feedback requests will be cancelled and it will no longer be possible to fill in and update conversation forms. Note: after closing the conversation round it is possible to open it again with the same button.

Digital signing by employees and coaches

Apart from the option to close the conversation round for all participants as Admin, you can choose to add the option for 'digital signing' to your conversation template. Individual employees and coaches can then complete their own conversation by signing it. After signing, the conversation report will be locked and nothing can be changed.

The reports and scores

All results of the conversation round are available in the 'Reports' tab. At the top of the screen, you can see the final scores on any KPIs that you measure in the conversation round. Think of 'Performance', 'Potential' and 'Skill Coverage'. Below that, a list of participating employees and their coaches is shown. You can see the KPI scores per person and you can click through to the conversation report in Learned. You can also download this conversation report as a PDF.

Note: If you use the option to calibrate the scores in the conversation round, you already have insight into the scores when the conversation forms are given the status 'Calibrate' by the coach. This gives you the chance to analyse the scores before they are finally shared with the employees. The sharing of the calibrated scores is initially done by the coaches, but you as Admin have the possibility to do this for everyone at once under the 'Options' button.

Analyse the data

In addition to being able to view and download all reports in Learned, you can also continue to work with all data yourself. Under the 'Options' button you will find the option to export all data to CSV. In this CSV you will find data about the number of completed conversations and the scores per KPI and question in the conversation form.

Tip: The scores of the KPIs 'Performance' and 'Potential' depend on the rating scale that you set yourself in the template. By default, Learned uses a 5-point scale. The Skill Coverage score is always relative and is expressed as a percentage. A comparison is made between the expected skill level and the actual skill level received. So from 100% you meet the expected skill level.

Getting started with the reports in Learned

Do you want to go 1 step further with analysing the data from conversation rounds? Then use the various reports in Learned. More information about the different reports can be found here.

One of the reports we offer is the 9-grid chart. The 9-grid model is a means of mapping the performance, talents and potential of employees. This works based on measuring the KPIs 'Performance', 'Potential' and 'Skill coverage'. Each of these KPIs has its own rating scale and produces a score that you can use to form an axis of the 9-grid chart. The 9-grid therefore always consists of an X-axis and a Y-axis. Within the graph, 9 boxes are shown in which your employees are placed, depending on their scores.

Note: It is also possible to use the 9-grid even when the scores for the employees have the status 'Calibrate'.

See the full article for working with the 9-grid here.

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