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Learn how to manage an active conversation round
Learn how to manage an active conversation round

In this article we will show you how to manage an ongoing conversation round as an Admin.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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As soon as you have published the conversation round, your employees can get to work. We have made it possible for you as an Admin to easily monitor the status of the ongoing conversation round and make changes where necessary. Below is an overview of the most important features.

An overview overall and per team

When you open the current review, you can immediately see how the organisation is doing in a few key figures. How many people have been asked for input and how many have actually given input? In the graph below you can view the status per team using various filters.

An overview of all employees

At the bottom of the page is a list of all participating employees of the conversation round. In addition to being able to filter and sort in this list, you can easily see the status per employee. In the various columns, you can see the following:

  • Has the employee prepared the conversation?

  • Has the employee received input from colleagues or coaches?

  • Is the conversation already scheduled?

  • If activated: is the conversation report is digitally signed?

Based on the brightly coloured profile pictures, you can see whether a person has already completed the task intended for him/her. When you click on a profile picture you can send a reminder.

Updating the nominated peers and coaches

By clicking on the button with the 3 dots on the right of the screen, you can adjust the requested peers and coaches per person for giving input and conducting the conversations.

Send reminders

Apart from the reminders that you can send per person, you can also send a reminder to all employees who, for example, still have to prepare their conversation. Use the 'Options' button for this. Both a system reminder in Learned and an email will be sent.

Updating the conversation round

Under the 'Options' button you will also find the option to update the conversation round. Please note: once the conversation round has been published, changes to the conversation template, the skills and role profiles and the team divisions will no longer be made. You can update the following in an ongoing conversation round:

  • The name and description.

  • The participants: useful when, for example, a new employee is hired who you want to include in a conversation round. All changes to participants are tracked in the 'Log' tab in the conversation round.

  • The deadlines.

Tip: When an employee receives a different coach during a conversation round, you can manually link the new coach to the employee in the list of participants in the overview of the review. Use the button with the 3 small dots as described above.

Sharing calibrated reviews

If the conversation round includes the option to calibrate scores, the initiative to do so always lies with the coaches. They can give their completed conversation form the status 'Calibrate' in order to share it with the other coaches and admins. Once the given evaluations have been agreed upon, the coaches can share their scores with the employees. We have also made the option of sharing the scores with the employees available to you as an Admin. Use the Options button and then the Share button. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

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