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Learn how to manage and analyze a review cycle as an Admin/Coach
Learn how to manage and analyze a review cycle as an Admin/Coach

In this article we will show you how to manage an ongoing review cycle as an Admin.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Managing an evaluation round

Once you have published the evaluation round, employees can get to work. We have made it possible for you as Admin to easily monitor the status of the ongoing evaluation round and make changes as needed. In this article we take you through how to manage and analyze a current round.

💡 Coaches can also view progress on tasks and results on the Review Cycle page. Here, however, they are limited to the data of their own team members. Optionally, coaches can also create review cycles. In these self created cycles, they can also make changes per employee and adjust the cycle as described further in this article.

A participation overview overall and per team

When you open the current review cycle, you immediately see in some key figures how the organization is doing. How many people have already prepared and completed their review? In the table below you can see the status at Team level. Then you can also open up the team and you will also see all the people within the team with the following data:

  • Did the employee prepare the review?

  • Did the employee receive input from colleagues or coaches?

  • If activated: has the review been digitally signed?

  • If activated: has the review been exported and forwarded to HRIS?

An overview per employee

Want more information about a particular employee within the review cycle? Then click on the employee in question. An overview of this employee opens in a pop-up. You can see here whether the employee has already prepared his review, asked peers for feedback. And whether the coach and peers have already given feedback.

In addition, you can also see in this overview whether the employee has received peer feedback requests.

In the employee overview, you can perform the following actions:

  • Deleting or adding coaches for input.

❗️Note: You can only add coaches to an employee's review if the coach is also assigned to the team as a coach.

💡: You can add an employee to the right team directly from this overview if it is not already set up properly.

📚 Want more information about setting up the team structure? Then read this article.

  • Delete or add peers for input.

  • Delete or add guests.

  • Some of our integrations allow you to send a PDF export from the employee overview to your HRIS. Read more about these integrations in this article.

  • Delete an employee from the review cycle:

❗️Note: Deleting an employee can only be done while the conversation is still unsigned. Warning: This will also delete any progress an employee has made. This cannot be undone.

Editing a review cycle

Under the 'Setup' tab in an active cycle you will also find the option to update the review cycle.

❗️Note: Once the cycle is published and active, changes in the review template, the skills and role profiles and the team layouts are no longer possible.

What you can change in an active cycle is:

  • At step 1: The name and description of the cycle.

  • At step 2: The participants: useful when, for example, a new employee joins who you want to include in a discussion round. All changes in participants are tracked in the 'Activity log' tab in the cycle.

  • At step 3: Settings. You can decide that you do not want the round to be automatically archived after 30 days. Furthermore, you can make a change in the automatic notifications and in the privacy setting. You can also (de)activate Previous scores as long as the review has the status upcoming or active.

  • At step 4: Timeline. Here you can adjust the deadlines per task. In addition, you can adjust the invitation message.

💡 When an employee gets a different coach during a round of interviews, you can manually link the new coach to the employee via the Participation tab. To do this, click on the employee and adjust it in the employee overview as explained above.

Sharing calibrated reviews.

When the review round includes the option for calibrating scores, the initiative to do so always lies with the coaches. They can mark their completed review formt with the status 'Calibrate' to share it with the other coaches and admins. Once the reviews given are agreed upon, the coaches can share their scores with the staff. In addition, we have also made the option for sharing the scores with the staff possible for you as Admin.

When there is calibrated input, you will see a banner in the evaluation area indicating that Calibrate is activated. Next, go to the Setup tab. There you have the option to share the calibrated input with the employees.

❗️Note: When you share calibrated input, you share all calibrated input for all employees. This action cannot be undone.

Analyzing a review cycle

At the 'Results' tab you will find the average score of the organization. You will also see the 3 top teams and the 3 teams at the bottom.

In the table, you can see the average scores of the company, per team and per employee on the different extracted themes under the ‘Average’ tab.

❗️Note: The ‘Average’ tab only shows the scores of the weighted themes.

The ‘Questions’ tab shows you all the questions asked in the evaluation and their corresponding scores. You can also see which theme this question belongs to. When you click on ‘Show filters’, you have the option to filter by a particular theme. If you choose competences, you will also be able to see an average score of the different competences.

💡 So when you have asked a question about workload, you can see under this tab how you score on that as an organisation, but also per team.

Go to Advanced Reporting to do a deeper analysis of the assessment scale, the average performance score.

📚 Want to learn more about Performance reporting? Then read this article.

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