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Learn how to customise skill levels in your skill matrix
Learn how to customise skill levels in your skill matrix

In this article we will show you how to manage the skill levels of your skill matrix as an Admin.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 4 months ago

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Working with skills forms the basis of various functionalities in Learned. Because every organisation has a different view on developing and assessing skills, we offer some options for setting up your own skill matrix. In this article we look at the skill levels.

Where are skill levels shown in Learned?

At Learned we express skills as standard in 5 levels of expertise. The idea behind this is that we will then link these skills to the employee's job profiles.

The idea is that the starter functions are generally linked to the lower skill levels compared to the more senior jobs. This also makes sense since we expect different behaviour and simply more expertise from a more senior employee than from a junior. By means of skill levels we express an expectation to the employee, as it were.

The (expected) skill levels are then reflected in the job profile, when giving feedback on the job profile skills and in the Career module.

Example of a skill in the Learned Review module.

The names and the number of skill levels

The existing skill categories can be found via Function matrix (bottom left menu) - Skill matrix. On the 'Skill matrix' tab, you will find the skills associated with each skill category, the description of the skills and then the skill levels with corresponding focus areas.

If you want to edit the skill levels, you will first have to edit the skill matrix.

When you are in edit mode of the skill matrix, you can see the different skill categories via the dropdown. Then select the skill category where you want to edit the levels. Hover your mouse over the levels, and 3 dots will appear. The 3 dots allow you to edit or delete the level.

❗️Note: When you delete a skill level within a skill category, you delete this level for all skills associated with this category. Deleting a skill level within a category does not affect the levels of the other categories.

πŸ’‘ If you don't want to work with 5 levels, but e.g. with 4 levels, you can remove the focus areas of the fifth level when creating a skill. This will make the skill you create have only 4 levels with focus areas.

It is also possible to add additional levels to the skill category. To do this, move your mouse between two levels. A + sign will appear to add an extra level to this skill category. The extra level is only visible in the corresponding category. All skills you subsequently create, or import from the Learned templates, can be entered at the new number of levels.

The focus areas of skill levels

From the Learned skill templates that are in our database, you are given 2 focus areas per skill level. This ensures that when you import a skill template to your own skill matrix, it is automatically filled with these focus areas. You can of course adjust these focus areas per skill or add additional focus areas. To do so, go back to the Edit mode of the skill matrix. Open the skill where you want to make an adjustment. Then move your mouse over the focus area, 3 dots will appear. Here you can modify the existing focus area.

πŸ’‘ Want to add a new focus area within a level? Then move your mouse between two focus areas and press the + sign that appears.

You can also use drag and drop to move a focus area from level 'Beginner' to level 'Intermediate'.

πŸ“š Want more info on the focus areas of a skill? Then read this article.

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