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Learn how to customise skill categories in the skill matrix
Learn how to customise skill categories in the skill matrix

In this article we will show you how to manage the skill categories of your skill matrix as an Admin.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 4 months ago

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Working with skills forms the basis of various functionalities in Learned. Because every organisation has a different view on developing and assessing skills, we offer some options for setting up your own skill set. In this article we look at the skill categories.

Where are skill categories shown in Learned?

At Learned, we routinely divide skills into 4 categories: Interpersonal Skills, Professional Skills, IT Skills and KPIs. When you then start creating job profiles, you will see that the same skill categories are available to place skills in. By means of skill categories you can therefore logically divide the job profiles and in this way communicate to your employees what kinds of skills you expect from them. The skill categories appear in the following places in the Learned platform:

  • The job profiles

  • The review module: when giving feedback on skills

  • The career module

  • Various reports: for example the Admin performance report

Example of a skill with category in the Learned Review Module:

The names and number of skill categories

The existing skill categories can be found via Job matrix (bottom left menu) - Skill matrix. On the 'Skill matrix' tab, you will find a dropdown with all existing skill categories. Select one of the categories and you will immediately get an overview of all skills within this category.

If you want to edit the skill categories, you will first have to edit the skill matrix.

When you are in edit mode of the skill matrix, you can see the different skill categories via the dropdown. In that dropdown, you also have an 'Edit' button at the bottom. Click this to edit the existing categories or add a new one.

You can rename any of the existing categories, or if you work with multiple languages in your organisation, add translations of the categories. In this pop-up, you also have the option to add a new skill category.

The pop-up to customise skill categories works as follows:

  • Order: With the left buttons you can adjust the order of the categories by drag&drop. The order you set here is immediately the order in which the skill categories are visible in the roles and in the review forms when giving feedback.

  • Default label: Here you see the default skill category from Learned. All Learned skills are already linked to these standard categories. So you don't have to do anything about this. All skills you add yourself (and where you don't use a template) you will have to link to a skill category yourself.

  • Custom label: Here you can change the names of our standard categories. It is entirely up to you to give your own twist to the names of the skill categories. The custom labels are the final names that are visible in the system. Again, all Learned skills are classified according to our categories. So check carefully when importing Learned skills to your own skill set which skill category you want to use.

  • Create skill category: Finally, it is possible to add your own categories. It is recommended to think about this in advance so that you can immediately place all skills that you add to the system in the right category.

πŸ’‘ You actually link a skill to a skill category when you create skills in your own skill set.

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