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Getting started with the job matrix

In this article, we show you how to get started with the job matrix.

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Written by Team Learned
Updated over a week ago

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Using job profiles, we can link the employee to the skills that are right for them. After all, not every job involves the same skills. Using job profiles, employees are evaluated on the skills relevant to them.

The job matrix in Learned

In Learned, you have the option to add all the job profiles that exist in the organisation, including the appropriate skills, tasks, responsibilities and job-specific KPIs. By adding all job profiles, you clarify to employees what is expected of them within the position they hold in the organisation.

After adding all job profiles to Learned, you have the option to classify all profiles in the job matrix. By classifying all profiles it gives the company more structure. Next to that you can create clear career paths for your employees to see what their next step can be

within the organisation.

💡 By classifying the job profiles of the organisation in the job matrix and clarifying the career paths for your employees, it can help you to keep your employees within the organisation.

How to get started with the job matrix

If you want to classify your job profiles in the job matrix, go to Job Matrix (bottom left in the menu) - Job library - tab Job matrix. In the job matrix you see different columns and rows. In this part of the article we will explain what these columns and rows mean.

Job levels

Within the job levels we have distinguished different groups and levels:

  • Groups: Within groups you can classify the job profiles based on seniority. The default groups are from Entry-level to Director.

  • Levels: Next to groups you have the option to add levels to the groups. With the levels you have the option to put a junior and senior role within the samen group.

Job families

Within the job families you have the option to put all job profiles working in the same department in one job family. E.g. the following profiles can all be placed within the job family of sales and business development:

  • Inside sales

  • Business development representative

  • Account executive

  • Sales manager

  • Sales director

💡 By placing the job profiles within a job family, you can provide employees with a clear career path.

Adding job profiles to the job matrix

When you add job profiles to Learned, you have the option to place all these profiles in the job matrix. If any job profiles are not yet placed in the job matrix, you will see them as “Unassigned Jobs. When you want to assign these profiles to the correct job family and job group, you can do so by clicking the 'Edit' button in the job matrix.

💡 If you have selected a job family and job level when creating a job profile, this profile is automatically placed in the job matrix.

Once you are in Edit mode of the job matrix, you have the option to drag and drop the unassigned jobs to the right job family and job group/level.

You can also directly add a new job to a group and job family by clicking on the + sign when you go with your mouse to the right job family and group. You then get a popup where you can go through the steps to create a job profile.

📚 Want to know more about how you can add a job profile? Read this article.

Add, edit or delete a job family

If you want to add, edit or delete job families, you need to be in the Edit mode of the job matrix. Once you are there, you can hover over the job family you want to rename and click on the 3 dots or hover between two job families to add a new job family.

You can determine the order of the job families by drag & drop. To do this, go to the edit mode of the job matrix, click on the job family you want to move and drag it to the desired position in the job matrix.

Add, edit or delete job groups and/or levels

If you want to add, edit or delete a job group, you need to be in the Edit mode of the job matrix. Once you are there, you can hover over the job group you want to rename and click on the 3 dots or hover between two job groups to add a new job group.

❗️Note: You can add extra levels to a job group by hovering between two levels and click on the + sign, or delete the extra level. At any time there should always be 1 level linked to a job group. Renaming the levels is not an option.

Functieprofielen bewerken vanuit de functiematrix

When you want to edit a job profile from the job matrix, it is important that you are in the 'Edit' mode of the matrix. Then you can click on the profile you want to edit. You will first enter the job dashboard where you will see the full description, including KPIs and competencies.

If you want to edit the job, click “Edit” in the upper right corner of the feature dashboard. Then go to the step where you want to change something and save the profile again.

Assign job to employees

In addition, you also have the ability to see who in the organization is linked to this job profile and you can also link employees to the job profile here.

You will see the option to assign multiple employees to a job, using the same start and/or end date. Also you will be able to set different values for the individuals. You can select if this is or has been the primary job of the selecter jobs.

💡The selected start and end date will determine wether this is the active, previous or future job for the employee. This will reflect on the status of the job per person.

When an end date is selected, the user will not be linked to the job profile anymore from that date.

List view of job profiles

If you go to Job Matrix - Job Profiles, you will get an overview of all the job profiles you have added to Learned. Here you see the name of the profile, which job family and level it is linked to, and which employees are linked to this job.

From this page you can also edit or delete job profiles by hovering over the job and clicking on the 3 dots on the right. When you click on the job, you will be taken to a job dashboard. In this dashboard you will see the full job description, KPIs and competencies and who in the organization is associated with this profile.

You have the option to save job profiles as drafts. When you click on the job profile and enter the job dashboard, you will see a banner there indicating that this job is still a draft and not yet visible to others.

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