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How to set up a feedback cycle

In this article we'll show you how to create recurring tasks for the exchange of feedback.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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The exchange of spontaneous feedback messages is facilitated by Learned through the Real-time feedback module. In this module, your employees can ask others for feedback and give feedback/compliments on their own initiative. Apart from that, as Admin you can ensure that your employees start working with these feedback messages at a frequency you prefer. You can set up a feedback cycle for this.

Activating the feedback cycle

To activate the feedback cycle, go to Development - Feedback - Feedback Cycle.

Here you will find options for activating the cycle for both asking for feedback and giving feedback. You can therefore also activate and use these options separately. The settings of both options are the same.

  • Activate the slider button at the top right of the screen to activate the cycle from the next day. Depending on your settings, recurring tasks will appear on the Home screen of all employees for the exchange of feedback.

  • Deadline: By what day should feedback be given/asked at the latest?

  • Set a recurrence pattern for the task.

  • Show the task on the employee's Home screen X days before the deadline.

  • Remove the task from the employee's Home screen X days after the deadline, if the employee has not completed the task.

  • Activate the option to send an email to the employee as soon as the task is available on the Home screen.

  • Activate the option to send an email to the employee on the day of the task's deadline.

Get started with the tasks

Depending on your settings for giving / asking for feedback, tasks will appear periodically on the employee's Home screen. The employee can be informed about this by email and the tasks disappear automatically by completing them, or after a while.

By pressing the 'Start' button you enter the Real-time feedback module. All feedback you exchange here over time will be listed on this page. When you link the feedback messages to 1 of your goals, these feedback messages will also appear in the dashboard of the goal.

Note: To be able to use these functionalities, it is required that the Real-time feedback module is activated in your account. If this is not the case, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

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