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How to set up a conversation cycle
Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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Setting up the conversation cycle

As an Admin you probably have a good idea of the structure of your HR conversation cycle for the coming year. With regards to conducting development conversations, including the 'The Great Conversation' at Learned, the frequency in most organisations varies between 2-4 times a year.

In order to communicate this setup of the HR cycle to all other employees in time, you can prepare the complete cycle in Learned. This cycle is then visible on the employee's Home screen. Depending on the settings that you as Admin give to your created development conversations, the cycle can therefore differ per employee.

To get started with preparing the development discussions, go to Development (in the left menu) - Conversations - Conversation cycle.

You can use the button 'Create cycle' to create a development conversation When creating this development conversation you have the option to save it as a draft or to publish it.

Note: when you publish a development conversation, it becomes active and your employees are able to access it and get started.

This can of course be the intention for the next development conversation, but the whole idea is to make other development conversations transparent for the rest of the year without publishing them.

To realise this, you can already create the other development conversations and save them as a draft. Please keep the following in mind:

  • If you create the development conversation and do not add participants yet, this concept development conversation will be visible on the home screen for all employees.

  • If you create the development conversation and, for example, only add yourself as a participant, this development conversation will only be visible on your own Home screen.

That way, as an Admin, you have complete control over when you want to make which development conversations visible to which employees. For example, are there certain teams that follow a different cycle? In that case, create separate development conversations with the employees from those teams as participants.

Prepare development conversations as a Coach

Besides the fact that the Admins can of course create development conversations for everyone in the organisation, the Coaches can also do this for employees in their team. When the Coaches create a development conversation from the Team environment, or from the Conversations page, they must immediately select an employee. Regardless of whether they publish the review or still save it as a draft, this development conversation will therefore already be visible on the Home screen of that employee.

How it works for the employee

After you have saved a development conversation as a draft, the employee can already view it. We have created the Development Cycle module for this. You can find this when you to go Development - Conversations - About you - Preview year.

In this development cycle, the employee sees all upcoming and historical development conversations. With the published development conversations there is also a button to click through to the conversation.

Depending on the activated modules in your Learned environment, the employees on the right will also immediately see what is expected of them in the area of conducting frequent 1:1's, exchanging feedback and keeping track of goals. In this way it really becomes a continuous development cycle.

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