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How do conversations work?

In this article we explain the different types of conversations and how to get started.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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What conversations are there within Learned?

With Learned it is possible to schedule two types of conversations:

  • Development Conversations: the formal conversations such as end-of-year conversations.

  • 1:1 Conversations: the informal conversations between employees and coaches or employees among themselves. Think of weekly 1:1s, check-in or Bila's.

Your development conversations

The conversations you prepare within Learned and the corresponding conversation reports can always be found via Development - Conversations. You can reach this page via the menu on the left.

If you haven't connected your Google or Outlook calendar yet, you have the option to do this right away on this page.

Under the Development page we have separated the development conversations from the 1:1 and team meetings. Select the right tab to see the conversations you are looking for.

Development conversations

Within Learned, employees and coaches can have both informal 1:1 conversations and more formal development conversations. Development conversations are always accompanied by the completion of a conversation form. These conversation forms are prepared by the Admins and then shared with the employee by Admins or coaches. The interview form can be used for the following purposes:

  • Conducting a goal setting review

  • Performance reviews

  • Conducting evaluation reviews during a traineeship

  • Exchanging 360° feedback on skills

When you are invited to a development conversation, there are a number of tasks waiting for you. These can be found on your Home screen, or when you open the conversation from the Conversations page in the Tasks overview. From here you can start preparing for your development conversation.

Want more information on how to get started with your development conversation? Then read the following article: How do development conversations work within Learned.

Development conversation reports

You can find your development conversation reports via Development - Conversations. When selecting Conversations you see a tab 'About you'. On this page you will find all development conversations that focus on you as employee. You can filter on name of the conversations and on date. If you want to view a report of one of your development conversations, click on the development conversation you're looking for and the report opens immediately. If you want to see a preview of your personal conversation cycle, you can press the 'Preview year-button'.

Extra option for employees when enabled:

  • If your company wants you to schedule your own development conversations, you have the option with the Create conversation-button to do so. Need more information on how to create a conversation for yourself? Read the following article: Creating a development conversation as an employee

Under the tab 'About someone else' you will find all conversations you have participated in as a conversation partner. As a coach you can easily find the reports of development conversations of one of your team members.

Extra option for coaches when enabled:

  • If your company wants you to schedule development conversations with your team members, you have the option with the Create conversation-button to do so. Need more information on how to create a conversation for your team members? Read the following article: Creating development conversations as a coach

Extra options for admins:

1:1 Conversations

In addition to development conversations, you can also have 1:1 conversations within Learned. These are the more informal conversations between an employee and coach, or between employees themselves. Think of weekly 1:1s, check-in or Bila's. You can also use a 1:1 conversation for a team meeting or a project group meeting, for example.

In a 1:1 call, you can add any topic you want to discuss with your conversation partner. Think of a topic you want to discuss only once, or maybe you want to discuss one of your goals because you can't continue working on it without getting some help.

Want more information on how to get started with 1:1 calls? Then read the following article: Planning and conducting a 1-1 conversation.

1:1's & team meetings

You can find all your 1:1's and team meetings on your Development page when selecting 1:1 & team meetings. If you want to create a new 1:1 conversation press the Create meeting-button. There are also different filtering options such as Members or date range. With these filters you can easily find the 1:1 or team meeting report you are looking for.

Note: When creating a 1:1 with a repeating pattern, you will only see the upcoming 1:1. When selecting the 1:1 you have the option with the arrows to switch between the different conversations in the repeating pattern.

Extra option for admins:

  • Templates: here you have the option to create templates for a 1:1 or team meeting. With these templates you provide your employees and coaches a tool that can help them conduct a 1:1 or team meeting. Looking for more info on how to create a 1:1 template? Read the following article: Learn how to create a 1:1 conversation template

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