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Creating job profiles in Learned

In this article, we show how you can easily create and manage job profiles.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Using job profiles, we can link the employee to the skills that are right for them. After all, not every job involves the same skills. Using job profiles, employees are evaluated on the skills relevant to them.

The job matrix in Learned

In Learned, you have the option to add all the job profiles that exist in the organisation, including the appropriate skills, tasks, responsibilities and job-specific KPIs. By adding all job profiles, you clarify to employees what is expected of them within the position they hold in the organisation.

You can find the added job profiles via the Job Matrix (bottom left in the menu) in the Job library. There are then 2 tabs you can switch between:

  1. Job profiles: Here you have a list of all the job profiles you have added.

  2. Job matrix: This is where you classify the different job profiles within different levels of seniority and into the appropriate job family.

📚 Want more information on how to get started with the job matrix in Learned? Then read this article.

Why are job profiles useful to use?

  • Job profiles give employees insight into their duties, responsibilities, job-specific KPIs, core values and relevant skills/competencies.

  • Job profiles are used to organise personalized review rounds, in which employees ask 360° feedback on skills and competencies that depend on their job profile.

Creating job profiles

When creating job profiles manually, you can choose to fill in all the information yourself, e.g. based on your existing job profiles, or you can use the Learned Job Database.

💡 Using AI, the job profiles in this database are also provided with a job description and possible translations if you want to work with multiple languages.

📚 Want to know how to enable multiple languages in Learned? Then read this article.

When you get started adding job profiles, go to Job matrix - Job library. Then click '+ New job' in the top right corner.

❗️Note: If you are working with an HRIS integration, you can also import the jobs via the integration. Then you have the ability to generate KPIs and competencies including behaviors for this job using Luca AI.

📚: Read more here about enriching the imported skills and competencies using Luca AI.

When you want to add a job, you can search for it in the Learned job database. If your job is not there, you have the option to create that job as a new job.

💡 When you are going to add a new job that is not already in the Learned job database, you have the option of using Luca AI. If you use Luca AI, the job profile, including job description and associated KPIs and competencies will be generated using AI.

You can then go through the various steps to create a job profile and add it to Learned:

Step 1: Job details

If you have chosen one of the Learned job templates, you will see that in step 1 you only need to fill in the job name multilingual. An image matching the job is already selected and the job description (multilingual) is already added.

💡 Would you like to add another image to the job profile instead of the image that comes along from the Learned job template? Then hover your mouse over the image and click 'Edit'.

You have the option to upload your own image or search within the other stock photos available.

The job description provided from the Learned job template was created using AI. Read the description carefully and adjust it where you feel it is needed so that it becomes a perfect profile that fits your organisation.

Advanced settings

Under Advanced Settings, you have the option to link the job profile you are currently creating to the following:

  • Job family: Within which department does this position fall? E.g. Sales

  • Job level: Determine the degree of seniority of this position. E.g. Senior Management

  • Work experience: How many years of work experience should someone have for this position?

  • Educational: What is the required level of education for this position?

  • Add recommended career path: What is a logical next step for someone in this position?

💡All fields under advanced settings when creating a job profile are optional to complete.

❗️Note: In Recommended career path, you can only choose from the job profiles you have added to Learned. So you can add as Admin a logical next step to grow to after this job.

Step 2: Adding the expected results (KPI's)

In step 2, you're going to add the KPIs relevant to the job. If you are using one of the Learned job templates, then there are already some KPIs in step 2 that have been generated by AI. You have the option to edit and/or delete these KPIs. In addition, you can also add your own KPIs that you as an organization have defined for this job.

You can also create new skills or KPIs in the job creation flow, which are not yet added in your Learned environment.

💡 With adding job KPIs, when creating a goal in Learned, the platform also gives these job KPIs as a suggestion for a possible goal that the employee can work on in the upcoming period.

Step 3-5: Adding skills to the job profile

In Steps 3 through 5 you are going to add the skills at the appropriate skill level and within the appropriate skill category. Again, if you have used a Learned job template there are also well-matched skills already added to each skill category.

For each skill, you indicate which focus areas will be linked. To do so, click on the pencil next to the skill. You can then select different focus areas from different skill levels on which an employee should be evaluated. For a Junior profile, the focus areas below beginner level are often used.

❗️Note: All behavioral examples within the expected skill level will be evaluated with the skill review in the conversation. So make sure not to link too many skills to a job profile, but also not to add too many focus areas per skill.

The advice from Learned in this is 2-4 focus areas per skill.

💡 In the step of assigning skills or KPIs, you can modify both the linked level for this skill and the content of the skill. To customize the content of the skill, click the three bullets behind the focus areas or the plus to add new focus areas.

Step 6: Final check

In this step you will see a summary of all the steps you went through to create this job profile. If you want to change anything else you can click the 'Edit' button in the summary at the appropriate step to edit what you want to change. Is everything in order? Then you can publish the job profile.

💡 You also have the option to save a job profile as a draft. Do this for example when you first want to add all job profiles in Learned, but want to do a final check at a later time before publishing the job profile, linking it to an employee and making it visible when an employee searches through the organization's various jobs for a possible interesting next step.

Duplicate job profiles

If your organisation works with Junior, Medior, Senior profiles, there is often overlap in the profiles. Only the skills are graded at a different level. You don't have to shape 3 profiles all the way from step 1, you have the option to duplicate the job profile you have fully worked out. If you want to duplicate a job profile, you will first have to publish the job profile.

Then go to Job Matrix - Job profiles. Go to the profile you want to duplicate and click on the 3 bullets to the right of the profile. There, choose the ‘Duplicate’ option.

Managing the job profile

Once a job profile is added to Learned, you can view it. In the job matrix or via the job profiles, click on the desired function.

You will then see an overview with the job description and the linked KPIs and skills per skill category, including the focus areas.

Assign job to employees

In addition, you also have the ability to see who in the organization is linked to this job profile and you can also assign employees to the job profile here. On this page, you will see a filter option for the status of the job per employee.

You will see the option to assign multiple employees to a job, using the same start and/or end date. Also you will be able to set different values for the individuals. You can select if this is or has been the primary job of the selecter jobs.

💡The selected start and end date will determine wether this is the active, previous or future job for the employee. This will reflect on the status of the job per person.

❗️: When an end date is selected, the user will not be linked to the job profile anymore from that date.

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