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Creating role profiles in Learned

In this article, we show how you can easily create and manage role profiles.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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With the help of job/role profiles, we can link the right person to the right skills for him/her. After all, not every position involves the same skills. With the help of roles, employees are reviewed on their relevant skills and employees are able to draw up a career path.

Why are job/role profiles useful to use?

  • These give employees insight into their tasks, responsibilities and relevant skills/competences.

  • These are used to organise personalized review rounds, in which employees ask 360° feedback on skills and competencies that depend on their job/role profile.

Creating job/role profiles

When creating role profiles manually, you can choose to enter all the information yourself, for example based on your existing job library, or you can use the Learned Roles Database. This database contains 1000+ job/role profiles. If you want to use our roles, you can search for the desired role in the 'Alias' field. You can then enter the name and description as you wish. For each role, we make recommendations for relevant skills in the next step.

General info

For each role, fill in the following information:

  1. An appropriate name

  2. An image: this image is visible to the employee when browsing the Role Library.

  3. A concrete description with tasks and responsibilities

  4. The desired level of education and years of work experience


You can then link skills to the role as you wish. The skills available depend on the skill set set in the company profile. For roles from the Learned database, we make recommendations for relevant skills.

You click on a skill category and can then search for relevant skills. All skills from your own skill set are displayed by default. You can also search further in all other Learned skills.

By clicking on a skill you will then be asked to select a skill level based on the underlying focus areas. This level is the minimum expected skill level for that role. When employees review each other on skills, this expected level also becomes visible.

Tip: When linking roles to skills at a certain level, preferably make little or no use of the lowest and the highest skill level. This ensures that when you review someone on the skill that you can give this person a score below the expected level in case of bad performance.

Managing the job/role profile

Within the job/role profile you can see the linked skills and users. If you are using the Onboard & Learn module, you will also see the linked activities relevant to this role profile. You can use the Options button at the top right to update the skills, link or disconnect employees from the role as you wish and link activities to this role profile.

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