As a credit assessor, you are able to use TAMA Decision Support to do a final review your checklist and supporting documents against the application data; and make sure you have a set that is complete and compliant with your assessment logic.
You also have the great Info Request functionality to send messages directly to the broker at any time to ask for more documents, or for further info; and for the brokers to be able to respond directly back to you.
You will have already checked, reviewed and finalised the checklist in TAMA Supporting Documents. This article goes through the Decision Support workflow in TAMA.
Decision Support displays
the checklist,
the document attached to that checklist item,
and your internal validation logic in the one screen:
The best way to use Decision Support is to have your Loanapp data open on another screen, to review against the documents.
In reviewing the documents, you can tick off the items on your assessment checklist for this document:
And when satisfied, toggle to "Pass" the document:
If you can't tick off all the items, but would still like to pass the document, you can do so by selecting "Exception" in the result dropdown:
When you have passed the documents, you will note a double green tick on the requirement, which means it is finalised:
You will note also as you verify items with the double-tick - it will be recorded in the top summary:
You can work through the items on the checklist by clicking on any of the items in the Document Set dropdown:
You can set/edit the verification logic on documents in the Application Template section.
There is loads of great functionality you can use in Decision Support to help you.
You can edit, redact, make comment etc by clicking the pencil on the document border:
You can send an Info request straight to brokers/customers to gather more documents or information: