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Impersonating User Accounts for Administrators

Administrators can impersonate another user’s account to provide support. Impersonation allows full access to each user’s account.

Mandy Alston avatar
Written by Mandy Alston
Updated over a week ago

Please scroll down to view step-by-step instructions.

District and School administrators can impersonate any teachers account in order to help with assigning, troubleshooting, viewing reports at the teacher level, etc. District administrators can also impersonate School level administrators to help with similar tasks. This example shows a District administrator impersonating a teacher.

NOTE: When impersonating, you are actually in the user's account. You have the same access and features the user has when logged into their account. Please take care when impersonating another user!

1. Select Teachers from the left side menu.

2. Click on a teachers name to open their Details panel.

3. Click the green Impersonate button to impersonate them.

4. Please note! You will have full control of the user's account when impersonating them. Click the green Continue button to gain access to the user's account.

5. To return to your administrator account, click on the Stop Impersonating button in the top left corner of the window.

Please start a chat with us if you have any questions about the impersonation feature!

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