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Creating Activities Using Google Documents

Teachers and administrators can create activities, using Google Documents, to be used in classrooms or across the district or school.

Mandy Alston avatar
Written by Mandy Alston
Updated over 2 years ago

Please scroll down to view step-by-step instructions.

Creating the Activity

1. Click on My Activities (what teachers see) or My School Activities (what school administrators see) or District Activities (what district administrators see, like in the example below) from the left menu.

2. Click on the green Add Learning Activity button.

3. Click on the green Document button.

4. Type the name of the Activity in the Name field.

5. Click the Next button.

6. Fill in the Details for the Activity. Click on the drop down menu to the right of each field. For High School courses, select 9-12 as the grade level.

7. Click on the Add Document button.

8. Using the shareable link provided by the Google document, paste the link in the text box.

9. Click the Add URL button.

10. Click the Close Add Document Menu button.

11. Label the Document Tab by typing in the text box. This is what students will see on the tab when they are completing the activity.

12. Click the View Document button. Now that your Google Document has been uploaded, create the corresponding Answer Key.

Creating the Answer Key

1. Click the Add Student Actions button.

2. Type in the Number to Add.

3. Determine where each item should be added on the Answer Key (top or bottom).

4. Click the Add button to the right of the corresponding item type.

Continue this process to create your full answer key.

5. Click the Close Add Student Actions Menu button.

Fill in the Answers and Tag Standards

1. Type directions in the box (if applicable).

2. Click on the correct response for each item.

3. Click on the Standards drop down box to select 1 or more standard for each item.

4. To edit an item type, click on the ellipsis (three dots) located in the right corner of the item.

5. To delete an item, click on the trashcan icon.

6. Click on the Reorder button to relocate an item on the Answer Key.

7. Scroll to the top of the activity and click the Preview button. This will show you a preview for what a student will see.

Sharing Activities

1. Scroll down the Answer Card Panel and click the Share with Selected Colleagues button to collaborate with other District and School Connect users.

2. Click the Can Edit button if you want the colleague to be able edit the activity, including associated documents.

3. Click the Read Only button if you do not wish for the colleague to make edits to the activity.

4. If you have a secure document that you do not wish to be copied, make sure the "Allow Colleagues to make a personal copy of this Learning Activity" box is unchecked.

Granting Access to Activities

Granting access to an activity allows a teacher to assign and administer the activity to students. To give access, see the following guides.

For District created activities - To give access to administer the activity to Schools, click on the Add Access button to the right of each School. School administrators will then give access to appropriate teachers. The teachers will then be able to assign the activity to students. For directions on how to assign activities to schools, see the guide Granting Access to District or School Activities for Administrators.

For School created activities - To give access to administer the activity to teachers, click on the Add Access button to the right of each teacher. The teachers will then be able to assign the activity to students. For directions on how to assign activities to teachers, see the guide Granting Access to District or School Activities for Administrators.

For teacher (classroom) created activities - Teachers will assign the activity to students. For directions on how to assign activities to students, see the guide Assigning District, School, and Classroom Activities.

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