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Secure Responder for Assesslets

Prevent students from opening tools or additional browsers while working on a learning activity.

Matthew Jones avatar
Written by Matthew Jones
Updated over 12 months ago

District or School Administrators have the option of turning on a Secure Responder on any Assesslet. A Secure Responder prevents students from opening tools or additional browser tabs while working on an assigned activity. If attempting to exit a secure activity page before submitting, the student will be immediately locked out of the activity. Teachers and administrators will have the ability to unlock an activity for a student so they can continue the activity.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note Secure Responder does not work on iPads. If you plan to use any other tools to monitor students during the administration, such as a chat or a proctoring tool (i.e. Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, etc.), we recommend NOT using the Secure Responder as it will interfere with these tools. When enabled, the Secure Responder will immediately lock the student out of their Assesslet if they click or navigate anywhere outside of the Responder window. this included using the Search button on Chromebooks and the Control + F Find feature.

Please note that Secure Responder does not work on iPads.

If you plan to use any other tools, such as a chat, monitoring, or proctoring tool (i.e. Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, etc.), we recommend against using the Secure Responder as it will interfere with these tools.

Video: Security Features (including Secure Responder)

Step by Step Directions: Please note Secure Responder does not work on iPads.

1. In the left side menu, under Assesslet Activities, click on the name of the subject (Mathematics in this example).

2. In the Learning Activities list, click on the name of the Assesslet.

3. On the Details tile, click the Enable Secure Responder checkbox.

Student View

1. Students will receive a Secure Activity message when beginning a secure Assesslet. They will click on Continue to begin the activity.

2. If a student clicks outside of the Secure Responder or clicks the Save for Later option, the student is immediately locked out of the Assesslet.

3. An administrator or teacher can enter their username and password to unlock a students Assesslet directly from the students screen. Assigning teachers can unlock an activity directly from their account.

4. Students will also be able to see that an activity has been locked when clicking on Assignments from the left menu.

Unlocking a Secured Responder

Teachers have two options to unlock a students secure responder.

  • Type in their username and password on the students locked screen (Shown above).

  • Unlock the student secure responder from the assigning teachers account.

1. Click on Live Responses from the left hand menu.

2. Click on the Live Responses button located to the right of the activities title.

3. In the right panel, you will see each students name with the current Assesslet status. Locked Assesslets are highlighted in yellow. Click on the flashing word, "Locked" to unlock the students secure responder.

4. Click on the unlock button to confirm unlocking the secure responder.

Teachers can also click on the students Responses button. This will open the students individual response card. On the students individual response card teachers can:

  • Unlock Secure Responders

  • Print Response Sheets

  • Continue Responses

  • Reset Responses

NOTE: District and School Administrators can unlock a secure browser by entering their username and password directly on the students locked activity.

NOTE: On Chromebooks, the Search button on the keyboard opens Google Assistant and launches a new tab. This will cause the Secure Responder to lock students out if they hit this button.

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