When student's log in to their Lennections' account they have the option to select Assignment or Results by each teacher. Once they click on Results, each Assignment will have the overall average displayed to the right of the Assignment's title.
There are two additional options to view Results:
View Responses:
The View Response report allows students to see a green check for correct responses, a red X for incorrect responses, and a Rationale explaining what the student may have misunderstood.
For written responses, students will see their typed response and the amount of points earned out of the points possible. They can click on the underlined rubric to view the full rubric.
Activity Summary:
Students will see each item, with their color coded response, then the correct response, each item type, the aligned standard and points earned out of points possible. Click on the underlined item # to view that item and attached passage. At the bottom of each item, the Show More button will display additional details.
NOTE: Students can click on the Preview button to view the full Activity.
Standard Summary in the Action Summary:
Here the student will see each standard that was assessed on the Activity. They will see the standard text, the number of actions that tested that standard, points earned out of points possible and then an overall percentage of point earned for each standard.