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Lesson Overview Page

The Lesson Overview page contains settings and data for individual lessons.

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a year ago

In This Article

About the Lesson Overview Page

The lesson overview page is the landing page for all content where a variety of settings, actionable items, and learner data are displayed. Depending on the user's role and content or group permissions settings, the lesson overview page shows the information pertinent to the user's role.

Locate the Lesson Overview Page

Users with content permissions can access a lesson's overview page by selecting that lesson from the Content page.

πŸ“ Note: If you don't see a Content tab you don't have permission to create and edit content. Contact your Seismic Learning admin if you believe this is an error.

The lesson overview page displays various settings and learner data for admins, managers, and creators.

You can filter lesson overviews on a group-by-group basis, access the gradebook, view user assignment data, see user ratings, update settings such as the retake score, add content as optional learning, and much more.

Reminder: This view varies based on the user's people and content permissions. Admins can see all modules and data.

Filter by Group on the Lesson Overview

By default, the lesson overview page shows data for all assigned users.

Depending on the user's people permissions - they could have access to multiple groups or only one group. If the user is assigned only one group of users, they are not able to toggle to view users outside of their assigned group of users.

To filter the data for a specific group, select the "Filter By" dropdown and select the group name to update.

To remove a group filter, select the "Filter By" dropdown > and toggle the option back to "Select a Group" or "Everyone."

Navigate the Gradebook from the Lesson Overview Page

For users with content and people permissions, they can access the gradebook from the lesson overview page.

The admin, manager, or user with people permissions can view either all assigned users or users for a specific group by first filtering the lesson overview page for the desired group.

Then select "View Gradebook" in the upper right-hand corner.

This navigates the user away from the lesson overview page and into the gradebook. For more information on the gradebook, check out this article.

Menu Action Icons Explained

Once on the lesson overview page based on the user's role and permissions, there are a variety of action icons in the grey menu bar at the top of the page.

The user has the ability to:

  • Archive the content: deactivates the content and removes it from the Content tab. When archiving a lesson included in a path, the lesson is removed from the path.

  • Copy the content: Selecting this button will duplicate/clone the content. Copies follow this naming convention: "Lesson Title (copy)"

  • Edit the content: navigates the user to the lesson builder. The user must have content editing permissions to access the lesson builder.

  • Preview the published version of the content: allows the user to view the content in its current state. While in preview mode the user cannot answer questions or complete the lesson.

  • View the draft version of the content if it is in the "Published (Unpublished Draft) state: if the content has been edited, but not published the user can view the draft state of the content.

  • Share the content: when set to "Shared" allows the user to share the preview URL to third-party users or directly assign users when sending the Shared URL. In order to download the lesson as a PDF, a user must have permission to edit the content.

View User Ratings

Learner ratings can be accessed by admins, managers, and roles with user permission enabled.

Select either the thumbs up or thumbs down icon to review the users who left a rating and/or any additional feedback provided. To switch views the user can select "View Likes" or "View Dislikes" in the upper right-hand corner.

All feedback resolutions need to be handled externally through the organization's form of communication such as a direct email to the user or through a communication platform such as Slack.

Once the admin, manager, or content owner is confident the feedback has been resolved they can navigate to the "Likes" or "Dislikes" page > select the checkbox under "Resolved."

Lesson Settings

Each lesson has several settings that can be enabled or specified. These settings affect various aspects of a lesson such as administrative rights, learner experience, and how lessons are displayed in a tenant. Each setting is described below with links to further reading where available.

Retake Score: Set a minimum retake score users have to reach to be marked as complete for the lesson.

Approximate Completion Time: Help learners budget their time and stay focused by estimating the time required to complete a given lesson.

Share Ownership: Share ownership of the content to users with permission to own content.

Specify Graders: Set a specific grader for the content. When a specified grader is set, admins and managers can still grade the content.

Add a Lesson Expert: Select a user as the expert to help answer any questions from assigned users.

Add Distributors: Give users permission to assign, but not edit, training content.

Add Tags: Include tags to help for organizational purposes.

Add to Learn as optional learning content: Add content to everyone or a specific group's Learn tab as optional learning. The Everyone group is only available to admins and users in roles with permissions to all users.

Feature the lesson: Set the lesson as a priority piece of content on the user's Learn tab.

Add the content to the Learning Chrome Extension: When adding the content to the Learning Chrome Extension it makes the content accessible to users through an extension on their desktop when they land on URL's with mapped content.

Display as a Lesson or a Resource: Set the lesson to read as a "Lesson" or a "Resource" on the assignment email.

Add a Cover Image: Include a lesson card image to display on the Learn tab.

Add a Background Image: Set a background image that users see while taking the content.

Lesson Activity

Lesson activity includes information on assignment data, user engagement, question scores, non-graded responses, path details (if applicable), and practice performance (if applicable).

Under Assignments is a bar graph displaying the number of complete, incomplete, and overdue users for the lesson. If users are awaiting a grade, an additional column in yellow appears displaying the number of users in the grading station awaiting a grade for the content.

Important: When a user is awaiting a grade, they do not show in either the complete or incomplete list.

The user can select View All next to either complete, incomplete, or overdue to view a list of:

  • The user's names

  • Whether the user was assigned the content directly or through a path

  • If there is a due date included

  • When the user started and completed (if applicable)

  • The number of times taken

  • The score (if applicable)

  • The ability to re-assign or un-assign the content

Lesson Engagement

Lesson Engagement contains information detailing learner interaction with the content. The user can further view engagement by selecting Lesson Statistics by Section and Lesson Statistics by Learner.

The following data is listed in the Lesson Engagement section:

  • Lesson Completions: the number of times the lesson has been completed either from a direct assignment or as optional learning.

  • Lesson Views: The number of times users have viewed the lesson.

  • Unique Learner Views: The number of unique views or the first time a user opens the content.

  • Average Completion Time: The average time it takes users to complete the content.

When selecting Lesson Statistics by Section the user can view lesson information displayed by section. The following columns of data are included:

  • Section: the name of the section.

  • Total Views: The number of times the section has been viewed.

  • Unique Learners: The number of unique learners who have viewed the section.

  • Average Time: The average time spent on the section.

When selecting Lesson Statistics by Learner the user can view lesson information displayed by each learner. The following columns of data are included:

  • Learner Name: The name of the learner.

  • Assigned: Whether the lesson was directly assigned.

  • Total Lesson Views: The number of lesson views by the learner.

  • Last Viewed: The most recent date and time the learner viewed the lesson.

  • Status: The status of the lesson whether complete, incomplete, or overdue.

  • Completion Time: The amount of time it took the user to complete the lesson.

Question Performance

Question Performance displays information detailing graded questions included in the lesson (if applicable).

The graph displays the percentage of correct answers per question.

When selecting the bar graph the user can then view the question, answers, and percent of learners who selected each response. The user can also select the percentage to view the same information.

For free-response or practice-related questions, the user can select "# Responses" or the percentage and it navigates them to a view of the user's responses.

Non-Graded Questions

Non-Graded Questions displays information for questions in the lesson that are not required to be graded.

The user can select "# Responses" to view the responses. Depending on the question type the responses are shown in different ways. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and survey questions a module populates with the percentage responses. For free responses, and practice-related questions by selecting "# Responses" it navigates the user to a view of the user's responses.

Content Included in Paths

For any content included in paths, this information is displayed under "Included in Paths."

Based on content ownership, the user can select on the path and they are navigated to the path overview page.

Practice Performance

Practice Performance displays data pertinent to practice-related questions and the feedback criteria included. When hovering over the bar graph, the user can view how many users received each score and the total ratings overall based on assigned users.

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