In This Article
Create an Assessment
On the Team page, select Assess & Coach, and then select Create Assessment.
After selecting Create Assessment a dialog prompts the user to choose:
Team members
Assessment type
Select Create Assessment to save your work.
Request an Assessment
On the My Team page, select Assess & Coach, and then select Send Assessment Request.
After choosing to send an assessment, a module populates prompting the user to choose:
Team members
Assessment type
Finally, select Submit Request. This action sends an email notification to the selected users.
π Important! Assessments aren't "live;" they won't dynamically reflect any updates you make to the skills they contain. They're more like snapshots: they include skill content exactly as it was at the time of the assessment's creation. If you make changes to a skill, and want those changes reflected in a past assessment, you must create the assessment anew.
Assessment Types
For more information on each assessment type, review the linked articles.
Note: Performance metrics only appear if the team you selected has a skill mapped to a performance metric. If you haven't created any performance metrics this option won't appear in the dropdown menu.
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