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Release Notes for 2022

Includes notes from October - December

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

Release Notes for...

Note: Lessonly began publishing external release notes in October 2022, hence the lack of coverage for previous months.

Release Notes for December 2022

✨ Enhancements

Matching Element: Card Character Limit Increased

Beta testers, we heard you! Our previous limit of 60 characters was too constraining to meet your needs. Accordingly, the character limit has been increased to 90 characters.

New Navigation Buttons Now Live for All Customers

Previously available for beta customers only, Lessonly's new anchored navigation buttons have been released to all customers. Check out this article to learn more about the reasons for the update.

🔧 Fixes

Character Reference

Previously, the matching and sorting element knowledge checks weren't unescaping characters in answer choices, resulting in HTML character references being published instead of the character they define (e.g., " instead of ", and & instead of &).

Release Notes for November 2022


Assign Modal Refreshed

The assign modal was made stylistically consistent with other parts of the Lessonly interface. This change is strictly cosmetic, not that that makes it any less fabulous. 💅

Anchored Navigation Buttons: Now Available for First Wave Beta Customers

The navigation buttons described is this article are now available for Lessonly customers participating in the beta program. On December 17, 2022, these buttons will replace the current navigation arrows for all Lessonly customers.

Interested in joining Lessonly's First Wave beta program? Click here to sign up!

Visual Confirmation of Task Completion in the Skills App

When marking a task complete its text is now struck through, visually confirming the user's input. Moreover, a snackbar containing an undo action now appears at the bottom of the screen, allowing users to recall the task should they inadvertently clear it.

🛠️ Fixes

Matching Element Knowledge Check: Incorrectly Grading Answers

The issue: When answering a matching quiz, some learners would match a tile or tiles incorrectly, then leave the section containing the quiz (in search of correct answers in previous parts of the lesson, for example). On returning to the matching element to retry the quiz, the element would fail to validate correct answers, as pictured below.

The fix: Despite appearing to have randomized quiz tiles on subsequent attempts, the element was continuing to record, in the background, the original order of the tiles, creating a situation in which apparently correct answers were being graded as incorrect.

Matching Element Knowledge Check: Text Overflow

Fixed an issue in which text would sometimes exceed the boundaries of matching element tiles.

Skills App: Leaners Couldn't View Skill Data Over Time

Fixed an issue where learners couldn’t view their skill data over time, despite having completed skillset reviews and observations. The learner's My Skills page would appear to be stuck in a loading state, as pictured below.

Release Notes for October 2022

✨ Enhancements

Skills: Assessment tab updated

In the Skills app, the Assessments tab was optimized in order to render correctly on tablets and mobile devices.

Skills: Recommended Content modal updated for multiple groups

With the recent addition of multi-group filters on the Team page, the Recommended Content modal was updated to enable coaches to share skill-related content and resources with multiple teams within their organization.

Report card for lessons containing Matching elements

When learners complete a lesson containing at least one matching element, they'll now see a report card. Admins, too, can see the report cards of learners they oversee.

  • If a lesson included other, graded elements, the learner's scores will be included on the report card along with basic details such as start date and time, completed date and time, and section views.

  • If no graded elements were included, only basic details, such as those mentioned above, will be published on the report card.

🔧 Fixes

Chat Conversation practice element: description updated

Previously, the chat conversation practice element displayed the same description as the chat reply element, despite the two elements functioning differently. The description now reads, "Learners will complete this activity by selecting responses for each incoming chat message," accurately reflecting the expected interaction.

Sorting elements should always be marked as required

Previously, lesson creators were able to uncheck the 'required' box for sorting elements, which threw an error when learners attempted to complete the activity. The 'required' checkbox is now grayed out and disabled.

Matching and sorting knowledge checks can disappear when in same section

Fixed an issue affecting lessons that included a matching knowledge check and a sorting knowledge check in the same section. Moving a matching answer to an open field would sometimes cause the match or the sorting question to disappear.

Invalid matching elements in the same lesson section

Fixed an issue where learners could take an answer card (a.k.a., a puzzle piece) from one matching element and place it in another.

Prevent "Add Match" button from flashing

Fixed an issue that caused the “Add Match” button to gray out and flash when users made consecutive updates to a matching element.

Sorting element knowledge check: accessibility outline has odd distortion

Corrected a display issue in Chromium browsers where choices for sorting element knowledge checks, when receiving focus from the tab key, would show a dark blue outline that strayed from the rectangular design element.

English-to-Portuguese translation error

Corrected a typo on the password reset page. "Reocnfigurar Sua Senha" now reads "Reconfigurar Senha."

Skills: coaching plan page disabled when user is archived

Corrected an issue in the Skills app where assessments and coaching plans for archived users could still be edited.

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