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Rate my Routes FAQs
Livy W avatar
Written by Livy W
Updated over 4 months ago

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How do I rate my route?

There are two ways to find routes to rate.

1. Via the Me screen prompt

Follow the prompt on your Me tab to rate up to 5 of your recent majority unrated routes. If you have rated all of your recent routes and are up to date you might not see this prompt.

2. On a trip-by-trip basis via the Rides tab

Head to the Rides tab and select the trip you wish to rate or rerate. Tap the hamburger menu icon and select ‘Rate this route’. If you do not see the ‘Rate this route’ option it means the route is yet to be processed or is above 5 miles (approx 8km).

Once you start rating, you can choose between ‘Enjoyable’, ‘Comfortable’, Uncomfortable’ and ‘Stressed’ depending on how you felt on that part of your route. Each feeling is linked with a colour. You pick one and then you use your finger to ‘paint’ the sections of your route that match that feeling.

Note: At the moment you are only able to rate your routes for trips that are less than 5 miles (approx 8km).

Can I keep a specific feeling selected?

To keep a single feeling selected, tap on the settings cog at the top of the page and hit the bar:

Note: you will have to re-select this option for your next ride.

Why am I only shown some of my routes to rate?

We want to keep it fresh! You'll be asked to rate up to 5 routes at a time, focusing on recent ones where most of the route hasn’t been rated yet.

Can I rate any route or update old ratings?

At the moment you can rate any route up to 5 miles (approx. 8km). To do this, just head to the Rides screen, pick the ride you want to rate, tap the up arrow ^ to expand the menu, and hit 'Rate this route'.

Easy-peasy! If you don't see the option, hang tight, we're either still processing that route or it’s longer than 5 miles.

What is the goal of Rate My Routes?

Rate My Routes gives YOU the chance to make a positive difference in your area. By rating routes you give planners the inside scoop on what’s working and what needs a tune-up for a safer ride.

With your insight informing local transport planners, investment can be put into biking infrastructure that serves you and your community best.

Should I rate with a direction in mind?

Nope, no compass required! We appreciate that direction can impact how you feel about a route, but at the moment we're not tracking it. Rate your route based on how you feel overall.

Can you expand on what you mean by comfortable?

Sure, when rating we want you to consider the overall qualities of that section of the route. For example, whether the surface is safe or skiddy to ride on or, if the road is chockablock with traffic or serenely vehicle-free. Your rating should consider the section on balance and summarise your overall feeling about it.

Can I see a map with everybody's ratings on?

Not yet, but it's in the works! Help us fill the map with your ratings and work with fellow riders to paint a picture of your whole area we can share with you in the future.

Why are parts of my routes missing?

Sometimes, we might miss bits of your route, especially the start, where the GPS signal is still kicking in. There may also be some limitations in the Open Street Map data we use that mean parts of your ride are excluded.

You won’t be asked to rate these parts of your route and any parts that are on paths designed for walking only. Give us a shout if you have further questions on this!

Some of my routes are already rated, do I need to update them?

Only if you want to! There’s no need to rerate any of the routes you’ve already painted unless your feelings towards them have changed. If that’s the case, we’d love to know your updated feelings on the route.

Why am I being prompted to rate a section of a route I’ve not ridden?

Ghost routes, huh? Don't worry, just skip the parts you don't recognise. If it keeps happening, drop us a line, and we'll investigate.

Can I rate routes I’ve saved on other biking apps like Strava?

Not yet, but we're working on it! Stay tuned whilst we actively look into ways to integrate with other apps in the future.

Who can see my ratings?

Only you can see your specific ratings. We always keep them anonymous so your identity stays incognito even when we combine ratings to gather the bigger picture. For further information, check out our Privacy Policy.

Something else is wrong with the rating experience?

Get in touch! We'll strap on our problem-solving helmets and do our very best to help.

Can I request a feature?

Absolutely! We're all ears for your bright ideas. Shoot us a message with your feedback, and together, we’ll make riding even better.

Contact us

We love hearing from you! If you have any feedback on the Rate My Routes feature of the app, you can let us know by contacting our support team at

Or you can tell us directly through the app where our product team can investigate your issue. Simply, tap on the ride you want to leave feedback on and tap 'X' where it says 'Is this trip accurate?'.

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