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Available missions

Choose from over 30 available missions

Farah Bahoui avatar
Written by Farah Bahoui
Updated over a week ago


Missions are what you'll ask your users to do to support you, and in exchange they'll earn points for completing them.

Available missions

In total, over 30 missions are available to engage and unite your community.

Here's the list:



📸 Content

  • Publish a story on Instagram

  • Publish a story with a link on Instagram

  • Share a promotional code in a story on Instagram

  • Publish a post on Instagram

  • Publish a reel on Instagram

  • Publish a Tiktok

  • Send us a photo

  • Send us a video

📢 Engagement

  • Create an account

  • Indicate your birthday

  • Complete your phone number

  • Tag 2 friends under this post on Instagram

  • Comment on this post on Instagram

  • Share this post in your Instagram story

  • Share the latest post in your story on Instagram

  • Share this real in your story on Instagram

  • Download my app

  • Find the mystery word on the website

  • Make a purchase in store

❤️ Subscribe

  • Subscribe to our Instagram page

  • Subscribe to this Instagram page

  • Subscribe to our TikTok page

  • Subscribe to our newsletter

⭐️ Review

  • Leave us a review on Google

  • Leave us a review on Trustpilot

  • Leave us a review on Facebook

  • Leave us a review on our website

  • Leave us a review on a product with

  • Leave us a review on a product with Yotpo Review

  • Leave us a video review

  • Rate our mobile application

  • Leave us a review on Tripadvisor

📥 Feedback

  • Quiz

  • Image poll

  • Text poll

📝 Note : For some missions, they require that you've linked your accounts from the Integration area before you can create the missions.


Your users are rewarded with points when they complete missions. It's a good idea to offer missions with a different level of commitment, to attract as many customers as possible.

Assignments that require little commitment will earn few points, whereas those that require a high level of commitment will.

For example :

  • Subscribe to social networks: 30 points

  • Subscribe to our newsletter: 50 points

  • Leave a review on Google or Trustpilot: 100 points

  • Publish a story: 200 points

  • Unboxing video: 400 points

💡 Think about offering a variety of missions so as not to penalize users who wouldn't have a certain social network.

Managing my missions

Once you've added a mission, you can manage them all from the Missions tab. All activated missions are displayed on your website page.

We advise you to add a maximum of 10 missions at the same time, to keep you focused on your main objectives and avoid overloading your users.

You can activate/deactivate new missions each month to boost your users and offer more up-to-date missions:

  • update your post sharing and commenting missions

  • request content in line with your current events and seasonality

Mission verification

Missions are automatically verified by our algorithms.

For content missions, you must validate or invalidate them in the Content - Moderation tab. This allows you to check that the content is indeed what was requested. If not, you can invalidate the content by giving a reason, and the user can then redo the mission.

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