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Freight Customs Documentation.
Freight Customs Documentation.

In this article we cover the Commercial Invoice, Certificate of Origin, and how to enter USMCA information.

Pawel M Wencel avatar
Written by Pawel M Wencel
Updated over a month ago

LTL Select supports entering freight customs documentation during the booking of international shipments between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The following forms can be completed as part of the Book Shipment workflow on the Finalize Step under the Supporting Documentation section by either uploading the file to LTL Select or completing directly within LTL Select: USMCA/CUSMA, Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice. Please review below for an overview of each:


To complete the USMCA/CUSMA/ACEUM/T-MEC form within LTL Select, either Upload or by selecting the appropriate checkbox. When completing the document within LTL Select the following fields will be available to complete:

  1. General Information: Provide the from to dates.

  2. Certifier: Enter the Certifier's Company Name, Address with the Country & Email Address.

  3. Producer: Enter the Producer's information when it differs from both the Certifier & the Exporters. When it is the SAME as the Certifier, select Same as Certifier. For multiple Producers select Various or enter a list of Producers. If the Producer(s) are Confidential select Available Upon Request by the Importing Authorities.

  4. Exporter: Only enter the Exporter information if it differs from the Certifier. When it's the same select Same as Certifier. The information is not required when the Producer is entering the COO (Certificate of Origin). If the Producer doesn't know the Exporter information select Unknown.

  5. Importer: Enter the Importer information. Select Unknown if the Importers name/address are not known.

  6. Goods:

    • Description: The Description should be short, concise, and relate to the item covered by Certification.

    • HTS: Enter the 6-digit HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule ) for each item in the Description.

    • Origin Criterion: Enter the appropriate Origin Criterion

      • A: Wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Parties, as defined in Article 4.3 (Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods)

      • B: Produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Parties using non-originating materials provided the good satisfies all applicable requirements of Annex 4-B (Product-Specific Rules of Origin)

      • C: Produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Parties exclusively from originating materials

      • D: Except for a good provided for in Chapters 61 to 63 of the Harmonized System

    • Certification Indicator: CHOOSE ONLY ONE A, B, C, or D to specify the Certification of the item:

      • A: Certifier is not the Producer, but has a certification or statement from the Producer

      • B: The Certifier is the Importer

      • C: The Certifier is the Exporter

      • D: The Certifier is the Producer

    • Method of Qualification: Enter the RVC (Regional Value Content):

      • NC: RVC = Net Cost

      • TV: RVC = Transaction Value

      • TS: RVC = Tariff Shift

      • NO: When Origin Criterion = A or C

    • Country of Origin: ISO Country Code i.e. US MX or CA(Canada)

  7. Signature Block: This section MUST be signed by the authorized Certifier. The exact date of when the Certificate was completed is Required.

A completed USMCA form will then be available.

The Commercial Invoice

The Commercial Invoice is an international shipping document provided by the supplier to the customer detailing the type and value of goods sold. It is used by customs to determine duties owed.

To complete the Commercial Invoice during the Finalize step of Book Shipment, you can either upload the document or check the box next to Commercial Invoice.

The fields pictured above will become available. All Required Fields are marked with an ( * ).

The Certificate of Origin

The Certificate of Origin is an international trade document that certifies that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, or processed in a particular country.

To complete the Certificate of Origin during the Finalize step of Book Shipment, either upload the document or check the box next to Certificate of Origin. The fields pictured above will become available. All Required Fields are marked with an ( * ).

NOTE: LTL Select will generate unsigned trade documents for this shipment when no signature has been selected. FedEx requires trade documentation to be signed. After booking (only if the signature was not selected), please print or download your trade documents from the Documents section of the Order Details page, sign them, and re-upload the signed versions which will then be sent to FedEx.

Users can also upload customs documentation before booking a shipment by adding them in the locations page under the tile Customs/Trade Documents or after in the shipment details where they can drag and drop after booking the shipment. To do so, navigate to the Shipment Details from the Dashboard. Scroll down to the Documents section. Click "Click Here, or Drag and Drop, to add files. You will be prompted to select the File Category from the dropdown menu e.g. Commercial Invoice as well entering the Custom File Name.

Appendix A - Freight Custom Documents Submission Options


    • Upload on shipment details/location page

    • Generate during book shipment finalize step

    • Link from location page

  • Commercial Invoice:

    • Upload on shipment details/location page

    • Generate during book shipment finalize step

    • Link from location page

  • The Certificate of Origin

    • Upload on shipment details/location page

    • Generate during book shipment finalize step

  • All Other Documents Upload Only

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