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Share specific slots

Want to share a one-time meeting link? This workflow is for you

Reut Shechter avatar
Written by Reut Shechter
Updated over a week ago

When you have a one-time meeting that isn't a template, you can quickly build a one-time link for that specific meeting.

  • Go the the new tab page.

  • Start by pressing the 'Share times' button on the top left.

  • Press 'Specific time slots' or ' E.'

  • Choose the duration of the meeting in the upper right corner.

  • Select specific time slots that you'd like to offer the participants.

  • You can also use our AI assistant by pressing the 'suggest times' button below.

  • You can edit the slots on the left sidebar.

  • Toggle on or off the 'dynamic availability' button. This will save ping-pong.
    If you need a different time than the preferred one for your guests, they can choose another slot from your availability.

If a guest schedules a meeting on your general availability, it will be set as tentative until you approve it.

So that you know, your one-time links will be based on your default template.

If the 'Dynamic availability' is turned on, it will show open slots according to what you define on your 'availability' there.

Also, it will consider your 'Time limits' preferences [such as the options to shorten the duration of the meeting by the participant].

  • You can change the event's name and use our AI assistant to add an agenda.
    We would recommend adding an agenda to make sure your participants understand the meeting's framework and subject. It'll help them prepare better and choose the right time.

  • You can edit the location [it will take the location from your default template].

  • You can add notes to the meeting to make notes for yourself under 'Private' or make them public to the participants by adding them under 'Shared' [Currently for timeOS members only, for view only]. You can use the AI assistant to generate notes.

  • Once you're done, Click 'Create invite' or press ' enter'.

Now, let's share it!

  • You can copy the link and a snippet we premade for you and share it via any of your preferred platforms, such as Slack, Whatsapp, etc.

  • You can share via email by pressing 'send via email,' which will open your default email client. We will recommend customizing the TZ for your guests before copying the snippet.

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