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Techniques and tips for capturing and transcribing meetings effectively
Meeting Templates
Time Peek
Invisible AI - Summarize meetings without a bot on Google Meet
Capture & summarize phone calls
Send to WhatsApp (Beta)
Brief me on my meeting participants
Send Your AI instead
Getting Started with your AI Chat
How to Ask Your AI Anything: Using the Query System
Instantly follow up after meetings
Feature requests and roadmap
How can I upload an audio / video recording to be summarized by timeOS?
Instant Briefs
Sharing AI Notes
What is the Magic Notepad™?
What is the Magic Summary?
Start with a template
Create your personal scheduling link
Share specific slots
Time Polls
AI Command Line
'How do I add guests to the meeting?'
'Can I edit the snippet?'
'The open slot on my template isn’t as in my calendar. Why?'
'How can I control time zones?'
'I got a timeOS link to schedule. What should I do?'
'I got a Time Poll; what should I do?'
'Why I didn't get the timeOS invite?'
Avoid calendar conflicts
Meeting Notes Template for scheduling links
How can the participant can shorten the meeting?
‘I don’t want my guests to pick slots from my calendar’
Meeting Agenda Templates
Add Zoom link to your scheduling template
Google Meet integration for scheduling links