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How to create work order types

This article describe how you can create additional work orders types for your workflows

Written by George Newman
Updated over 11 months ago

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to create, configure, and manage work order types within the Main Settings. The ability to customize work order types adds a layer of flexibility to your workflow management, allowing you to tailor the system to your organization's specific needs.

Accessing Work Order Types Section

  1. Log in as an Admin.

  2. Navigate to the main settings.

  3. Locate the section “Work order customization” and click on it.

Create New Work Order Types

To create a new work order type, follow these steps:


  • Look for the "Add New Type" option in the Work Order Types section.

  • Enter a unique name and description for the new Work Order Type.

  • Choose an icon or color for easy identification.

  • By default, the “Internal work order type” toggle will be OFF.

    • When the toggle is OFF, the work order type will be external and any work order created will be visible to your customer.

    • Your customer can also create the work order for the external work order type through the Customer Portal.

    • External work order type is differentiated by a globe on the icon.

  • Turn the “Internal work order type” toggle ON if you want to create an internal type of work order.

    • Internal work order type is not visible to your customers in the Customer Portal

    • Any work order created with the internal work order type will only be visible to you on the platform.

  • Save the configuration.

Edit Work Order Types


  1. In the Work order customization section, select “pencil icon” to edit the type.

    1. Only work orders created by you can be edited

    2. Default work order types i.e. Service Request and Spare Part Order cannot be edited.

  2. You can edit the following

    1. Work order type name

    2. Color of the work order type

    3. Icon of the work order type

  3. Select “Update” to save the changes

  4. The changes will apply to all the existing work orders created with the work order type.

Delete Work Order Type


  1. In the Work order customization section, select “bin icon” to delete the type.

  2. If there are existing work orders created with the work order type

    1. The system will ask you to migrate all the work orders to another existing work order type.

    2. Please note that you can only migrate the internal work orders to internal work order types and vice versa.

  3. Select “Confirm” to migrate the existing work orders and delete the work order type.

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