Mbrella now seamlessly manages the 'sociaal abonnement'—a key Belgian legal reimbursement scheme for commuting, for eBlox and X-Tend users.
Here’s how it works:
Default car mode: If an employee’s default commute is by private car, the reimbursement is automatically handled by SD Worx, based on dynamic per km rates.
Other transport modes: On days when employees commute by bike, public transport, or any mode other than their car, Mbrella steps in. We'll send these 'deductible days' to SD Worx via payroll, ensuring that these are subtracted from the default car days to prevent double reimbursement.
For example, if you bike 5 days in a month, those days are reported and deducted from your usual car commute days in the payroll processing*, keeping your commuting reimbursements accurate and hassle-free.
Bonus: payroll corrections are included as well.
👉 *SD Worx customers can go to their Payroll settings and set a pay code for the deductible days, per transport mode (bike, pedestrian, public transport)