If you operate across multiple tax jurisdictions (for example by delivering to multiple cities or counties), chances are you deal with multiple tax rates. If you need to change a local or sales tax rate to reflect a delivery destination, follow the instructions below.
You can find the exact sales tax rate using the CDTFA search tool.
Sales tax zones frequently DO NOT exactly correspond with ZIP codes or even the city/town in the address. Millions of Californians live in unincorporated areas of the state (where tax rates are set by their county), even though they have a city/town listed in the address to help USPS deliver mail.
Step 1. Create an order
First, create the order. The default tax rates from your Settings will automatically be applied. If the customer placed the order via the online menu, skip to step 2.
Step 2. Click the "Edit Line Items" button
Once you click Edit Line Items, you will be able to edit the tax rate(s) on the order.
โStep 3. Edit tax rate(s) and click save when done.
Edit the tax rate(s) next to the name of the tax at the bottom of the order. Once you've edited the tax rate(s), don't forget to click "Save" to update the order.
Edited taxes will show the updated tax rate to the right of the tax name and the order total will be adjusted to reflect this.
In this example, we have a 5% local tax that doesn't apply to this order (so it is set to 0%) and a sales tax that is higher than our default rate (9.25% instead of 8.75%).
NOTE: Editing taxes for an order will also adjust the tax value(s) shown in reports for that order. If you have already deleted a tax from the system, you will not be able to edit it on orders where it was applied. If you edit an order with deleted taxes, the new tax rates in the system will be applied (you can adjust the new tax rates and save).