Style Guide: Organising headings and adding articles

How to best organise your headings and order articles to make it neat and intuitive.

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago


Where to place information?

Med App Categories (tiles on the app) have been created to be consistent across all hospitals. this gives users the same, familiar experience whether they login at their first hospital in Newcastle or go for a locum week at Broken Hill.

New categories can be created if necessary (just contact the Med App team) but most of the existing categories should cover the content that is relelvant for clinicians on the app.


Naming and ordering

Headings under a category will be ordered alphanumerically. If headings are required to be in a specific order then they need to be numbered or marked with a special symbol at the beginning of the name e.g. *.

Heading names (i.e the first level underneath the category icons) should not be numbered and should be left in alphabetical order as default.

Be conscious of length. Heading names that are excessively long make it more difficult to read in the app. Where possible constrict Heading names to the shortest name possible.


Ordering articles

You can choose what order articles appear on the app (a-z, z-a, last updated or custom drag and drop). See how to do it in our help article here.

Breaking down documents

When breaking down an article (e.g. an orientation handbook, or unit handbook) you must have the original Word document or have it converted using Adobe DC. Trying to breakdown a long handbook while it is PDF form is not effective and will require a large amount of manual work. Request the word document from the customer if it needs to be broken down or have it converted to Word (ask your supervisor if you do not have access to Adobe DC).

When breaking down a document it should be done as close to the contents/index of the document as possible. Where there is no contents page then the major headings within the document should be used. This may mean that there are a lot of articles under a heading.

Generally this will be ok, if it looks like there will be more that 30 articles (or even more than 25) you should look to see if some sections can be logically grouped together, preferably in the order they are inside the document (this is so that if it needs to be updated in the future it is not necessary to trawl across different sections of the app to find the relevant parts to update).

Example Table of contents in Word document

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