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Gold Star Orientation Checklist (Aus)

Best practice orientation checklist to make sure clinicians have everything they need in your Med App account

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago

Effective orientation and handover becomes increasingly important as junior doctors are faced with patients with more complex, multiple comorbidities, rising service demands because of workforce shortages, and a growing need to teach undergraduates as they move through the system (MJA 2007; 186: S37–S39 )

Timeframes for Uploading


Gold Star Hospital

Sept - Jan

Governance - Key Stakeholders that may need to be involved in getting resources ready for orientation

  • Corporate

  • Clinical

    • Senior

    • Junior

    • Intern (3.1.3; 7.3.1)

  • Operational

  • Unit Supervisor (8.1.3)

  • District coordination as necessary (1.4.2)


Clinical/Org Content should be:

  • Up to date

  • Concise

  • Relevant

  • Regularly viewed

  • Phone Directory

  • Hospital Orientation

    • Parking

    • Breastfeeding Room

    • Salary Packaging

    • JMO Flexible training arrangements (3.2.1)

    • JMO access to PDL (7.2.5)

    • JMO Training Program Info (7.4.2)

    • JMO Training Appeals Process (1.5.1)

    • JMO Training dispute resolution (7.5.1; 7.5.2)

    • JMO Employment campaign inc appointment criteria (7.1.1)

    • JMO supervisor objectives 8.1.3

    • Learning Facilities (8.3.1)

    • Adverse Event Reporting

    • Needlestick Injury escalation

  • Departmental Orientation

    • JMO Training Objectives (3.1.2)

    • Rosters

    • Term Handover/ROVERS (3.2.1)

    • Term Assessment process ( 5.1.3)

    • Unit Evaluation Survey Process

  • After Hours Resources

  • Antibiotic Guidance

  • Discharge Summary guide

  • Common Calls/Consult Guide

Nov - Dec

Get Involved /Engagement Content

  • JMO Committees

  • Safety and Quality Audits

  • Value based care ie Choosing Wisely

  • Quality Improvement

  • Research

  • Get Involved Tile activated in Med App

    • Audit opportunities

    • QI opportunities

    • Research opportunities

  • JMO Committee Info (7.4.1)

  • How to feedback/make edits in Med App

Nov - Dec

Wellbeing Content

  • Self care resources (7.2.1)

  • Bullying/Harassment escalation guide (7.2.3)

  • Local contacts for escalating concerns (7.2.4)

  • Career Advice/Mapping (7.2.4)

  • Crisis support contacts (7.2.4)

  • Employee Assistance Program (7.2.4)

  • Training dispute resolution (7.5.1; 7.5.2)

  • Critical Incident Debriefing guidance

  • Peer Mentoring/Support

  • Fatigue Risk Guide

Dec - Jan

Intern Orientation Prep

  • New User List (.csv) generated

  • Update user roles - change other users to new role

  • “Heads Up Re: Med App” email template

    • drafted

    • sent

  • Welcome Orientation Letter Mailout

    • Drafted

    • Sent

  • Orientation Evaluation surveys drafted

  • New clinicians invited to account

  • Invitations to orientation sessions sent

  • QR codes embedded in presentations or printed

  • Orientation Packs

    • MedApp Eye mask


Resident orientation Prep

  • New User List (.csv) generated

  • Update user roles - change other users to new role

  • “Heads Up Re: Med App” email template

    • drafted

    • sent

  • Welcome Orientation Letter Mailout

    • Drafted

    • Sent

  • Orientation Evaluation Surveys Drafted

  • New clinicians invited to account

  • Invitations to orientation sessions sent

  • QR codes embedded in presentations or printed



  • New User List (.csv) generated

  • Update user roles - change other users to new role

  • “Heads Up Re:Med App” email template

    • drafted

    • sent

  • Welcome Orientation Letter Mailout

    • Drafted

    • Sent

  • Orientation Evaluation Surveys Drafted

  • New clinicians invited to account

  • Invitations to orientation sessions sent

  • QR codes embedded in presentations or printed


Post Orientation Week

  • Mailout linking to Evaluation Survey

  • Announcement reminder of in app resources (Wellbeing, Get Involved etc..)

  • Attendance reports downloaded and filed away in accreditation folders as necessary

(*) AMC JMO Training Standards Alignment/Support

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