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Orientation project management checklist

Follow the steps to plan your next orientation and feel in control

Ben Rowland avatar
Written by Ben Rowland
Updated over a week ago

The next orientation is never too far away. We know preparing for this major milestone can be overwhelming, which is why we've created an interactive checklist to help keep you on track.

To download the Orientation Checklist:

  1. Click the first button below to preview

  2. Once open, click 'File' and navigate to 'Make a copy' to begin editing

How to use the checklist

We're here to set you up for success. Below are a few tips to get you started!

Set your orientation date to see a live countdown!

Assign task owners by entering text in the Task Owner column

Set a start date and due date for each task

Change the status of each task by selecting the down arrow and select from the status' - Not started, In progress and Complete

Block out key due dates in the calendar to keep you on track!

And lastly, if you need additional resources, don't forget about our Gold Star Orientation Handbook, linked throughout the checklist.

We're here to help! If you have any questions or need a hand navigating the checklist, please reach out to the Hospital Success team.

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