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Matching Results Data to a Media Plan
Matching Results Data to a Media Plan

Attribute campaign performance back to a particular media plan or line item in Mediatool, for easy comparison

Micaela Abreu Caesar avatar
Written by Micaela Abreu Caesar
Updated over 3 months ago

Data Tracking and Matching

Data tracking/matching helps you connect performance data to the originating plan or activity, allowing easy comparison and flexible analysis.

Benefits of Data Matching

  • Automatic Connection: Automatically match performance data to the specific media plan or even individual ad sets, placements, or ads using a unique tracking identifier.

  • Comparison Made Easy: Confidently compare campaign-wide or ad-specific performance with what you had planned.

  • Enhanced Reporting: Assign tags used in your planning to the performance data, enabling robust reporting capabilities.

  • Seamless Integration: Establishing an integration fetches measures and dimensions made available by the platform directly in Mediatool.

Matching Options Explained

⚠️ Important: Remember to add the tracking code at the beginning or end of the relevant field on the platform you are connecting to (e.g., Campaign Name, if you would like to use this as the link). Ensure it is separated by a dash (-) or an underscore (_).

Media-Entry Level Matching

This method is the most commonly used option and provides the most granular results. It uses line-item specific tracking codes for detailed performance tracking.

  • Usage: Allows interpretation of results by Media Type, Media Vehicle, and all custom tag options.

  • Technique: Utilize naming conventions, IDs, or any unique identifiers for activities.

Plan-Level Matching

Plan-level matching uses a plan-specific tracking code as a keyword to search all incoming results data and relate it to the plan.

  • Usage: Ideal for plan-specific reporting.

  • Limitation: Only uniformly applied plan setup tags will be applied to the matching results data.

Tag Matching

Tag matching searches incoming results data using tag names or abbreviations determined in your tag settings.

  • Usage: Matches data that contains tag names or abbreviations in your organization settings.

UTI Matching

You can generate completely unique tracking codes through:

  • Customizable Plan Naming Conventions

  • Customizable Text Field Templates

  • Mediatool-Generated UTI Codes

UTI codes are unique and can be used in naming conventions to ensure accurate attribution of results to plans or line items.

Strict Date Tracking

Match results to multiple plan entries by setting up an integration with strict date tracking by start and end date.

  • Example: For an always-on campaign running throughout 2021, with Mediatool entries for each month, strict date tracking will match results only to the relevant entry's start and end date.

Need Help Choosing the Right Tracking Method?

To choose the best matching method for your needs or for help setting up unique tracking codes, contact your CSM, and they will guide you through the technical process to ensure the best possible outcome.

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