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How to Manage & Respond to Comments from Your Users
Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over a week ago

Now that we have a native Comments feature in MV, you have a fantastic way to collect input from your visitors.

Fortunately, this does not require visiting every location in your MV where Comments are enabled.

Instead, you can easily see all your Comments in one place and manage them at one time.

How To Find Your Comments

Go to the left sidebar and click "Activity" at the top of the list.

You'll see the "Comments" section underneath "Quiz Answers".

From there you can see all your Comments, with the most recent on top.

How To Filter Comments

If you have a lot of Comments to review, you can use the dropdown menu at the top to select and Filter the display by Product, Module, Page, etc.

Notice that the Comments sidebar tells you how many new ones there are, just like with your Quiz answers.

How to Reply To Comments

You can reply to any Comment from the Admin panel.

Use the little green arrow under the word "Actions" to start your reply.

This is much easier than clicking thru to every location where the Comments were entered by the visitor.

Your visitors will see your reply nested under their original Comment, where they can followup with an additional reply to you if desired.

You will also see their new reply in your Admin area.

Notice that your Admin comments are highlighted in green, to make it clear which one is yours.

Alternatively, you will now see a little "arrow" icon next to the title of your content. This will open the content in a new tab and let you read / engage with comments as an admin while on the front end.

From this view, you can even start a comment from your admin account (not just reply)

How To Delete A Comment

If you need to delete a Comment, simply click the red "x" next to it and it will be gone.

The site gives you a confirmation message to make sure you don't lose anything important.

Your Users can delete their own Comments using the red "Delete" button which is below and to the Right edge.

How To Add Your Profile Picture To Your Comments

It will be even more engaging for your visitors when they can see your face as you reply to their Comments.

To add your Admin Profile Picture, go to the settings in the top right corner of your MV.

Click "Profile" and you'll see the field where you can now upload a Profile Image.

Recommended format is Square, 1000pix per side, less than 1MB file size for faster page load.

MV will crop the picture to round format as shown above.

Your users will see your image next to your Comments, with a green circle to indicate Admin status.

Also see:

Want to see a walk-through video of the process of using Comments? Check this Episode of the User Experience Podcast.

Questions? Reach out to us at, via chat support within your Admin account (available to paid users) or within our FB Group, The MV Collaborative.


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