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How to Review & Manage Your Quiz Answers
Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over a month ago

There is incredible value in reviewing the responses that you receive to your Quiz Questions.

But depending on the number of Questions included throughout your products and the number of people you have responding to, that review process can be quite daunting - especially, if you don't do it on a regular basis.

To help with this process, you have the ability to filter your Quiz Answers down to the exact question you wish to review if necessary.

You can also export your answers for future reference or deeper review.

Once you've reviewed your responses, you also have the ability to reply to an answer via email and mark the answer as 'read'.

How to Filter Your Quiz Answers:

  1. Navigate to your Quiz Answers page.

  2. Using the filter option in the top left corner, select the Product that includes the question(s) for the responses you wish to review.

  3. Once you've selected the Product, you'll be able to select a specific module to review using the next filter field that appears.

  4. From there, you can select a specific lesson and then a specific question (if desired).

The number in ( ) beside each option is the number of responses collected for that particular product, module, lesson, or question. It's a running tally and not specific to 'unread' answers.

If you want to review ALL responses, simply leave the first filter set to 'All Products'. The default view is ALL answers and they are displayed in date order.

How to Export Your Quiz Answers:

Once you've filtered down to the responses you wish to review, you can export a CSV file of that data by selecting the 'CSV' button in the top right corner.

Using that CSV spreadsheet, you can filter your responses even further (ie. answers by users, etc.) or simply keep a copy of the spreadsheet on file for your records.

How to Reply to Quiz Answers:

If there is a response you wish to reply to, you can reply in a couple ways. First, you can reply directly in the admin by clicking the arrow button. This allows you to reply directly in the admin, and your user will be a notification in their account and can see your reply.

You can also click on the letter icon and reply by email if you wish. This will open the default email client for your browser. It does not populate a reply email from within MemberVault. If you click the 'arrow icon' and nothing happens, this means you do not have a default email client set for your browser. Click here to learn how to set the default email client for the browser you use.

How to Mark Answers as 'Read':

The number displayed beside the 'Quiz Answer' tab in your navigation menu is the number of 'unread' answers you have.

To mark answers as 'read' after you've reviewed them, click on the 'checkmark icon' to the right of the answer.

When the checkmark is clicked, it will be removed and the total number of unread answers in your navigation menu will decrease accordingly.

How to Delete a Quiz Question:

To delete a specific quiz question you no longer wish to ask, open the question by clicking 'edit' to the right of the question you wish to delete.

Just below the 'Save Question' button, you will see a 'Delete' reference.

Click that reference to expose the 'Delete' button and click 'Delete' to permanently delete the question.

*IMPORTANT* - Deleting a quiz question will also delete any associated data (ie. past answers) for that question. If you've previously collected answers for the question you are about to delete and you wish to keep a record of those answers, please make sure you export the specific group of answers before deleting the question. Once a quiz question has been deleted, there is no way to retrieve past answers.

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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