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How to Set Up Emails for Drip Products

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Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over a month ago

Please note: Classic Automations are now a retired Mailchimp feature and are only available to Mailchimp accounts who have previously created a classic automation. To read more about using classic automations in Mailchimp, please click here.

If you want to release your course over time - say on set dates or a specific number of days from when they signed up - then it is a good idea to send out reminder emails to your members close to the module drop.

Time drip

Let’s say you are releasing your modules weekly from when they sign up. You can send them automated email reminders on a similar schedule too.

For those on the free plan, you can’t build a series of automated emails in the typical sense. But don’t worry, there is a workaround for that. Assuming you have already set up your automated welcome email already, your flow will look like this:

  1. Create another automation but change the trigger to be 7 days after they got the tag that sent them the welcome email. This will be for your next module release.

  2. Create another automation that will be sent 14 days after they got the welcome tag. And so on.

You can change 7 and 14 to numbers that suit your drip days but the above shows how you can set it up for weekly module releases.

If you're on a paid plan, then you've got an easier ride

  1. Click Edit on your classic welcome automation click

  2. Click Add another email as shown below

3. Set the trigger to 7 days after the previous one then rinse and repeat.

If you used a customer journey for your welcome email, then the same principle applies.

  1. Click View Journey

  2. Click Pause & Edit (top right)

  3. Drag and drop the Delay rule and select 1 week

4. Repeat for the number of emails you want to create

Date drip

For date dripped modules, the most straightforward way to go about it is to schedule regular emails for the intended dates.

If you're on a free plan, you may not have this feature so you’d

  1. Create the email

  2. Save it as a draft

  3. Set a reminder on your calendar then login and send your email on the day

**This article is written by our resident Mailchimp pro, Vicky Glass. Learn more about her below:

My name is Vicky, I'm a certified Mailchimp pro and a big fan of MV. You can geek out with me over on my MV site: and/or tag me in the Collab (@VIctoria Glass) when you run into questions around Mailchimp. I hang out in there a lot so I will pick up your questions if you tag me.

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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